தூதரக செய்தி வெளியீடுகள்

Vesak lights up the sky in Havana

  The “Festival of Lanterns and Illuminations” organized by the Sri Lankan Embassy in Havana on the occasion of Vesak was held from 20th – 30th May 2016 at the Sri Lankan Embassy premises in Havana for the 4th conse ...

Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva heads the Sri Lankan delegation at the First World Humanitarian Summit


“The increased occurrence of disasters in the regions not only threatens to roll back hard earned development gains, but also the achievement of the development goals. In respect to the core responsibilities related to natural disasters and climate change, it is the prime responsibility of the governments as humanitarian actors to serve the vulnerable members of the society, especially, women, children and elderly, who are in need of assistance.  In thıs regard, Sri Lanka is committed to reaching out these vulnerable group members in tımes of crises” stated Minister Nimal Siriplala de Silva, Minister of Transport who lead the Sri Lanka delegation to the First World Humanitarian Summit (WHS), held in Istanbul, Turkey  on 24th May 2016.

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Sri Lanka Promotional Event in Milan

  Sri Lanka Consulate General, Milan organized a “Sri Lanka Promotional Event “at the Consulate premises on 13th May 2016, for the members of “Oriental Sub- Group of Benvenuto Club”, Milan, who have shown their inte ...
