தூதரக செய்தி வெளியீடுகள்

State Minister of International Trade Discusses Means of Enhancing Bilateral Economic Cooperation during Visit to Korea


The State Minister of International Trade of Sri Lanka Hon. Sujeewa Senasinghe undertook a productive visit to the Republic of Korea from 2 to 7 November 2015 on the invitation of the Korean Government, to participate in the Global Infrastructure Cooperation Conference (GICC) organised on 3rd November in Seoul by the Korean Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. 

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Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Harsha De Silva, following his visit to attend the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Summit in Mexico, visited Washington DC on October 30, with a view to further promoting United States-Sri Lanka bilateral relations, in particular on economic and business matters. During his visit, he met senior officials of the US State Department, US Department of Treasury, US Department of Commerce, Office of Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) as well as the World Bank.  

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Sri Lanka’s First Ambassador to Ecuador presents Credentials


The Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Cuba, Sarath Dissanayake presented his Letter of Credence to the Acting President of the Republic of Ecuador, Jorge David Glas Espinel on 28th September 2015, as Sri Lanka’s first Ambassador to Ecuador, at a simple but colorful ceremony at the Presidential Palace in Quito, the capital of Ecuador.  

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Sri Lanka Clinches Deal to Host the French Travel Agents Association (SNAV) Annual Congress 2016


The French Travel Agents Association or the Syndicat National des Agences de Voyages (SNAV) has chosen Sri Lanka as the next venue for their annual congress 2016.This major feat garnered by the country would attract approx 600 French decision makers that would guide and steer the French tourism industry.  The event will be a key image building exercise harnessing the potential of Sri Lanka as a key travel destination for the French Market.  It has been along time since SNAV had picked a destination in Asia to host this major event, the last being in 2005 in Beijing.   

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Sri Lanka’s First High Commissioner to Trinidad & Tobago presents Credentials


Ambassador Prasad Kariyawasam has been accredited as the first non-resident High Commissioner for Sri Lanka to Trinidad & Tobago, resident in the United States with effect from October 13, 2015.  Sri Lanka established diplomatic relations with Trinidad & Tobago in 1972 and Trinidad & Tobago has been accrediting its High Commissioner in New Delhi, as their High Commissioner to Sri Lanka since 1983. 

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