Webinar unites Russian Experts with Sri Lankan Exporters

Webinar unites Russian Experts with Sri Lankan Exporters


Under the Economic Diplomacy Program of the Ministry of Foreign Relations, the Embassy of Sri Lanka in the Russian Federation in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Export Development Board, along with the Federal Customs Service and the Federal Service for Sanitary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of the Russian Federation organized a Webinar session on 10 December 2019. The primary objective of this event was to raise awareness among the Sri Lankan exporters on Customs Procedures, Rules and Regulations in the Sector of Plant and Plant Origin Products and Fishery Products Imports to the Russian Federation.

Several experts from the Federal Customs Service and Federal Service for Sanitary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of the Russian Federation made presentations on their relevant areas, which were followed by a Q&A session.  The event provided a great opportunity for Sri Lankan exporters to know about the local procedures of the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Economic Commission procedures on Customs and Rules and Regulations in the Sector of Plant and Plant Origin Products and Fishery Products and clarify their issues with the relevant local authorities. More than 20 representatives from Sri Lankan government organizations and exporters participated at this event.

The Counsellor of the Embassy Mohamed Anas, at his welcoming remarks extended his appreciation on behalf of Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Russia Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka, to the experts of the Russian authorities, Ministry of Foreign Relations and Sri Lanka Export Development Board for their contribution in conducting the Webinar.



Embassy of Sri Lanka
Russian Federation
12 December 2019






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