Visit Sri Lanka and aavour the change - High Commissioner Nonis

Visit Sri Lanka and aavour the change – High Commissioner Nonis


High Commissioner Dr Chris Nonis with (from L to R) Michael Wynn Parker,
chairman of the Guild of Tourism; The Marquess of Bristol;
HRH Princess Katrina of Yugoslavia;
Lord Pendry and Andrew Rosindell MP for Romford.   

High Commissioner to the UK Dr Chris Nonis outlined the strides that Sri Lanka had taken in economic, social rehabilitation, reconstruction and reconciliation since the defeat of terrorism in May 2009 to the Guild of Tourism at a luncheon meeting held at the Cholomondelay Room at the House of Lords.

One of the beneficiaries of this development effort in the post-conflict era was the tourism and hospitality industry which has witnessed a significant increase in foreign tourist arrivals including from the UK, he said.

Addressing a distinguished audience that included Royalty, Lords, MPs and other notables, Dr Nonis urged them to visit Sri Lanka and view first hand the unprecedented development that has also opened the doors to enterprising foreign investors in various sectors including tourism and hotels.

High Commissioner Chris Nonis observed that while all the communities in Sri Lanka were actively engaged in this development effort bringing benefits to all, small sections of the Sri Lanka diaspora including some in the UK, were still engaged in a debilitating war of attrition and disinformation to undermine the work at hand in Sri Lanka which is intended to heal the wounds of conflict and bring peace and prosperity to the nation.

Sri Lanka High Commission
, UK

16th August 2012

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