Vesak Celebrations Held in Brazil

Vesak Celebrations Held in Brazil

 1. Reverent Sato welcoming the religious dignitaries

 The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Brasília, Brazil, celebrated its annual Vesak Day celebrations under the patronage of Reverent Sato, Chief Incumbent of the Temple Shin Buddhist Pure Land, in Brasília on Saturday, 18th May 2019.

The celebratory event was officiated with the sounding of the temple bell by visiting dignitaries that included Ambassadors of Thailand, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam, Bishop Don Lenardo Steiner from National conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), Pastor Wellinton Pereira, Representative of CONIQ (National Council of Christian Churches of Brazil) and Representative of Governor of Brasilia. Reverent Sato, Chief Incumbent of the Temple, in his sermon explained the significance of following the path of the Lord Buddha and its relevance in today’s context. The Chief Priest also dedicated this year’s celebration to invoke blessings on the victims of the Ester Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka.

Ambassador Jaffeer in his address underscored the importance of celebrating the blessed Day of Vesak which is celebrated widely in the Buddhist world to commemorate the Birth, the Enlightenment and the passing away of the Lord Buddha. Recalling the contribution made by the Late Foreign Minister Kadirgamar to gain the United Nation’s recognition for the event almost twenty years ago, Ambassador stated that the day of Vesak provides entire humanity with an opportunity to reflect upon the continuing relevance of the teaching of the Lord Buddha to confront the unprecedented challenges in the contemporary world.

Thanking Reverent Sato for his thoughtful gesture to dedicate this years’ Vesak event as an occasion to pay tribute to the victims and their families of the Easter Sunday Attack in Sri Lanka, Ambassador Jaffeer expressed outright condemnation of the government of Sri Lankan against the terror act and its determination to restore peace and harmony in the country.

Ambassador of India, being the coordinator of this year´s celebration, highlighted the significant of the influence of Buddhism in Indian culture and foreign policy making. Ambassadors of Thailand, Nepal, Myanmar, Vietnam and Malaysia also attended the event along with their staff and family members.

Bishop Don Lenardo Steiner from National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) stressed on the need of achieving peace at times such as at present. He thanked Reverend Sato for organising an event that bring together various faiths to dedicated this year´s Vesak celebrations for the victims of the Easter Sunday attack in Sri Lanka. He further stated that hatred and terror have been condemned by various religions and love and peace must prevail above all.

Ambassador Pedro Luiz Rodrigues, Secretary of International Relation by representing the Governor Ibanes Rocha of the Federal District of Brasília, stressed on the need to work closely with foreign countries to understand each other’s cultural diversity.

The premises of the temple were colourfully decorated and illuminated with Vesak lanterns, colourful lights, and decorations prepared by the staff of the Embassy. At the end of the programme, the participants enjoyed refreshments provided by participating embassies in Brasília.



Embassy of Sri Lanka
Brasília – Brazil
20 May 2019
2. Part of distinguished participants 3. Sounding of the traditional bell by religious leaders and participating Ambassadors 4. Sounding of the Traditional bell by participants
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