“Sri Lanka – Land of Thousand Dreams”

“Sri Lanka – Land of Thousand Dreams”


The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Moscow held an event that showcased a film titled ‘Rama’s Bridge’ on the 10th of August 2009. The film portrayed the journey of a fearless warrior who walks across the sea over a bridge from India to Sri Lanka. This bridge is 38km and is only seen in ancient maps and heard of in legends. The film shows the dangers faced by him and what waits for him on the other side.

At the same event the Sri Lankan Embassy presented a Historical guide book on Sri Lanka. The book was published in the Russian language and is a result of the team work of the “Veche” publishing house, the Astravel travel company, the Travel Department of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Russia and the personal involvement of H.E. the Ambassador of Sri Lanka in Russia Udayanga Weeratunga.


“The main objective for the book was not to simply write a book on Sri Lanka, but to help the Russian people understand my country, culture and traditions better’, said Ambassador Weeratunga. The photos used for the book were from the personal achieves of the Ambassador and the staff of the Sri Lankan embassy. The guidelines of the book was created by the Embassy’s travel department. This book is the first Russian edition with a full and detailed description of Sri Lanka, its culture, traditions, historical heritage, nature, travel opportunities and legends.


The author of this project and the book were nominated for an annual Russian Senkevich Prize in the field of tourism in year 2009. At the event, Mr. Sergey Dmitriev, editor-in-chief of “Veche” publishing house, spoke of the warm and tangible support extended by the Sri Lankan Embassy. The Historical guide book about Sri Lanka in the Russian Language has been on sale at all bookshops all over Russia.


The event as attended by mass media representatives from Russian Federal TV channels such as “Russia”, TVC, RBK as well as print media journalists from Interfax, ITAR TASS, Izvestiya, Russian Gazette, Russian Information Agency and some internet information agencies. The reception was attended by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Russia, Ambassadors of 12 friendship countries and representatives of the film industry were also present.

Embassy of Sri Lanka

10th August 2009

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