Ramadan Prayers in Palestine to bless Sri Lanka and President Mahinda Rajapaksa

Ramadan Prayers in Palestine to bless Sri Lanka and President Mahinda Rajapaksa


This year too the Dawa Center at Beit Our in Palestine held a special Iftar and a prayer meeting on 13th August to bless Sri Lanka and President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

The prayer meeting was organized by Shiekh Samara, Head of the Center and the prayers were conducted by Sheikh Ra’fat.

After the customary breaking fast Moulawi Shiekh Ra’fat in his prayers stated that President Mahinda Rajapaksa had been a consistent and active supporter of Palestine and Arab cause since 1975 and as a result all the Arab countries support him and Sri Lanka, politically and financially.

He also stated that with the opening of the diplomatic mission in Palestine the friendship between Palestine and Sri Lanka grew faster, and now Sri Lanka is a household word in Palestine and thousands of Palestinians had been to Sri Lanka as tourists.

There are regular delegations from the Dawa Center visiting Sri Lanka for missionary work. Now there are Palestinians students going to Sri Lanka to learn Quran and Islam. They say that Sri Lanka is the best place to learn Quran and Islam.

Dawa Center here is prepared to host Muslims and provide accommodation, food and transportation to visit places of religious worship free of charge.Moulawi Shiekh Ra’fat said that Representative Dr. T. Jayasinghe is a frequent visiter to the center and it has helped to strengthen the bonds between Muslims of Palestine and Sri Lanka.

Dr. T. Jayasinghe thanked Shiekh Samara and members of the Dawa Center for regular prayers to bless Sri Lanka and President Mahinda Rajapaksa. He recalls how this center supported Sri Lanka during the war with terrorists by appealing to Arab countries to support Sri Lanka.

Mr. Siraj Ahamed, Attaché of the Sri Lankan Mission also participated.

Representative Office of Sri Lanka

16th August 2012

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