Minister of Indigenous Medicine visits Charite Medical University

Minister of Indigenous Medicine visits Charite Medical University


Initiated by the  Embassy of Sri Lanka in Germany, a delegation from Sri Lanka headed by Hon. Salinda Dissanayake, Minister of Indigenous Medicine, arrived in Germany and held expert level discussion with the high authorities of the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research Department (CAM) of the Charite Medical University. Professor Andreas Michalsen, Dr. Christian Kessler and Mr. Elmar Stapelfeldt M.A. represented the University on 30th April 2013.


During the discussion, the Hon. Minister said that Indigenous Medicine is recognized by the Sri Lankan Government as a medical system and viewed on equal terms with Western Medicine. He further added that Indigenous Medicine played a significant role in the health sector of Sri Lanka and was increasingly receiving global attention. Germans were well aware of Sri Lankan Ayurveda and traveled long distances to have Ayurveda treatment in Sri Lanka. Considering the large degree of popularity and demand for Ayurveda in Germany, the Ministry of Indigenous of Sri Lanka was looking forward to cooperate with German Medical authorities for the promotion of Indigenous Medicine of Sri Lanka, the Hon.Minister said.

Professor Andreas Michalsen, while making a presentation on Ayurveda focusing on the challenges and potentials for the promotion of Ayurveda in Germany, stated that a number of comprehensive research projects on complimentary and alternative medicine have been carried out at the Charity  Medical University in Berlin. He added that he was  looking forward for the support of Sri Lanka to carry out more research on Ayurveda to provide scientific evidence to the public on the efficacy of Ayurveda medicine and treatment.

During the discussion, many possibilities for cooperation were explored including research collaboration, establishing a common web-site, which would provide to the Germans the details of Ayurveda system and facilities  in Sri Lanka, expert exchange, promotion of medical tourism, organizing a delegation visit from Germany, establishing information centers in Germany and Sri Lanka to provide information to the German public, appointing a representative to Germany from Sri Lanka to collaborate with Charite University and promote Ayurveda and organizing a symposium in Germany focusing on Indigenous Medicine of Sri Lanka. 

The Sri Lankan delegation also met Prof. Claudia Witt, Vice-Director of the    Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Research Department of Charite Medical University. The delegation visited the Complementary and Alternative Medicine research centre and clinic in Berlin, where research and treatments are being carried out on Ayurveda and other alternative Medicine.  Hon. Minister spoke to the people who came there to have Ayurveda treatments and the conversation revealed that there is a new trend of the general public turning towards Ayurveda..

The Sri Lankan delegation besides Minister Dissanayake included Ambassador Sarath Kongahage, Dr. Newton Peiris, Adviser to the Hon. Minister, Mr. Liyannalage Thusara, Media Secretary of the Ministry, as well as Mr. K.Ratnasingam and Mr. R.N.Wijesinghe Second Secretaries of the Mission.

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