Minister of External Affairs Prof G.L. Peiris briefs Diplomatic Community on Progress Made by Inter-Agency Committee (IAC) in Implementing the Recommendations of the LLRC

Minister of External Affairs Prof G.L. Peiris briefs Diplomatic Community on Progress Made by Inter-Agency Committee (IAC) in Implementing the Recommendations of the LLRC

The Minister for External Affairs Professor G.L. Peiris held a series of briefings at the Ministry of  External Affairs on 1st and 2nd February for the Colombo-based Heads of Diplomatic Missions relating to the progress made by the Inter-Agency  Committee (IAC) in implementing the interim recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC).  The Attorney General Mohan Pieris, in his capacity as the Chairperson of the IAAC participated in the discussions.

During the briefing, Minister Peiris recalled that the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission was established by H.E the President pursuant to the Warrant dated 15 May 2010.  It was further recalled that the LLRC was established with a view to healing the wounds created in the minds of the people as a result of the protracted conflict in order to bring about reconciliation and unity among the people of Sri Lanka. The LLRC had commenced its public sittings on 11 August 2010.  

On 13 September 2010, the LLRC submitted its interim recommendations. The interim recommendations were based on extensive testimony received by the LLRC during its interaction with affected civilians following field visits to several locations in the conflict-affected areas, including places of detention, rehabilitation and IDP welfare centres.  According to the LLRC, the objective of the interim recommendations is to highlight issues which deserve the urgent attention of the GoSL.

The Minister stated that the Government of Sri Lanka in recognition of the importance of the issues highlighted by the LLRC, endorsed the adoption of its recommendations.  By Cabinet Paper dated 27 October 2010, the Inter-Agency  Committee (IAC)was established in order to implement the recommendations of the LLRC through practical measures and to strengthen the related processes that are already underway. The IAAC consists of the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, Secretary to the Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs, Secretary to the Ministry of Justice, Secretary to the Ministry of Economic Development, Secretary to the Ministry of Rehabilitation and Prison Reforms, Secretary to the Ministry of External Affairs and the Secretary to the Presidential Task Force.  It is chaired by the Hon. Attorney General.

The Minister briefed the Diplomatic community that since its establishment, the IAC has met regularly under the Chairmanship of the Attorney General, in order to review and implement the recommendations of the LLRC.  These relate to measures to be taken in the following broad areas.

  •  Detention
  •  Land issues
  •  Law and Order
  •  Administration and language issues
  •  Socio-economic and livelihood issues

The  Minister and the Attorney General detailed the action taken by the IAC in each of the above areas, with a view to bringing relief to the civilians. The Attorney General further informed the Heads of Mission that he had personally visited the affected areas last week in order to review the progress that had been initiated by the IAC.  The Attorney General also confirmed that shortly, the IAC will issue a detailed report of its progress so far, and will continue the process of implementation of the recommendations of the IAC, while awaiting the final report of the LLRC.

Ministry of External Affairs

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