Military begins operation rebuild

Military begins operation rebuild


 Friday, 27th June 2014

By Premalal Wijeratne


A special military operation has begun to rebuild the shops and houses burnt in the Aluthgama-Beruwala areas during the clashes last week. 

President Mahinda Rajapaksa has granted Rs 150 million for the reconstruction work in Aluthgama and Beruwala, starting from today (27). Work will be carried out by the three armed forces.
Army Commander, Lieutenant General Daya Ratnayake, said this will include all shops, homes, temples, mosques and private property which were destroyed.The Army had already visited the areas
which were affected and cleaned up the rubble.

A team comprising 50 Army personnel have already been sent to carry out preliminary work in the affected areas.

Army officials had estimated that at least Rs 139 million would be needed to complete the reconstruction work, and a report of the estimate was handed over to the President on Wednesday (25). The President approved the report and granted Rs 150 million to complete the reconstruction Work in the affected areas.

Seven teams comprising 287 Army personnel; three teams comprising 123 Air Force personnel; and one team comprising 130 Navy personnel would undertake reconstruction in the areas, said the Army Commander. Each team would be given Rs 50 million to complete their task.
Major General Ubaya Madawela, who is in charge of coordinating the work, held a special meeting with the Kalutara District Secretary and residents of the area in Beruwala yesterday, to discuss the work which needs to be undertaken.


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