Live Bhakthi Gee Telecast from Five Temples with the Embassy in Japan and Dhamma Desana- SLEMB-Tokyo

Live Bhakthi Gee Telecast from Five Temples with the Embassy in Japan and Dhamma Desana- SLEMB-Tokyo

The Sri Lanka Mission in Japan sponsored a Poson Dharma Deshana Programme conducted by Most Ven. Professor Bokalnaruwe Devananda Thero which was broadcast live from the Hachioji Buddhist Temple in Tokyo. The Mission also organised and coordinated Bhakthi Gee Programmes with Sri Lankan temples around Japan. The Mission had a first ever live broadcast session of Bhakthi Ghee songs sung by five Daham School children located in different parts of Japan. This program was concluded by a short Bhakthi Gee session sung by Tokyo Mission staff.

The Ambassador also visited Hachioji temple in Tokyo to celebrate Poson festival and as the Chief Guest of the Diploma Certificate Awarding Ceremony Ambassador handed over Diploma Certificates to the first batch of Pali Graduates of the Hachioji University College in Tokyo.

Ambassador also visited Tsukuba Sri Sambudhdhaloka Vihara in Ibaraki prefecture and participated in the Bhakthi Gee and the opening ceremony of Mihinthalaya structure, which was designed and erected by the devotees and Japanese neighbours around the Temple. President of Mahabodhi Society, Sanga Nayaka in Japan and Chief Abbott of Sawara Lankagi Temple, Ven. Banagala Upatissa Mahanayaka Thero was also in attendance for the Poson Programme.

Embassy of Sri Lanka


02 July, 2021

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