Katina Ceremony at the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Vienna

Katina Ceremony at the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Vienna

The Embassy and Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Vienna offered heel dana (morning Almsgiving) to Maha Sangha on the occasion of Katina Ceremony followed by Pirith Chanting Ceremony on 26 October 2020 at the Embassy premises. The Mission has been conducting the Ceremony every year since the establishment of the Mission in 1995 in Vienna.

The religious observances were conducted by founder and chief incumbent of the Austrian Dhamma-Zentrum Nyanaponika Ven. Dr. Wijayarajapura Seelawansa Thero. Venerable Maha Sangha from UK, Italy, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark also participated in the Ceremony.

The Venerable Maha Sangha invoked blessings on all human beings of every race, religion, location and nationality to overcome the COVID 19 pandemic. Special blessings were also offered to the people of Sri Lanka and the staff of the Embassy.

The Ceremony was held in strict compliance with the COVID-19 rules and regulations in Austria.



Embassy and Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka


30 October 2020


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