Generous gift of medical equipment and other material to Sri Lanka by an Ingo in the Republic of Korea

Generous gift of medical equipment and other material to Sri Lanka by an Ingo in the Republic of Korea

The International Interchange Development Association, known as IIDA, headed by Moon Yong-Jo, has effected a generous gift of a Cancer Detection and Prevention Machine and a large quantum of sanitary products such as shampoos, tooth brushes and paste and soaps, amongst others, to the peoples of Sri Lanka. Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the Republic of Korea Dr. A. Saj U. Mendis along with Minister Counselor of Commercial Division of the Embassy Rekha Mallikarachchi conducted and effectuated discussions and negotiations with the IIDA since November of 2020 in order to source the aforementioned Cancer Detection and Prevention Machine and the large quantum of sanitary products. In addition, the Cancer Machine could also treat COVID-19 patients by enhancing their immune system. The listed market price of the Cancer Machine is USD 365,000 and the total cost of sanitary products is USD 318,000, thus making the total gift amounting to USD 683,000 or Sri Lankan Rupees (appr.) 135 million respectively.

Ambassador Dr. Mendis and the Commercial Division of the Embassy signed the Agreements with the President of the IIDA to receive the goods and be shipped to Sri Lanka. The Cancer Detection and Prevention Machine, which is one of the most state-of-the-art machines used in the world, would be of immense usage and utility to patients suffering from cancer and cancer related sicknesses in Sri Lanka. During the handing over and signing ceremony, Ambassador Dr. Mendis stated that according to the WHO and Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the US, cancer is one of the primary causes of untimely deaths of peoples in developed and developing countries including in Sri Lanka. Ambassador Dr. Mendis stated that on any given day, approximately 30,000 people in the world die due to cancer, which is far higher than any other cause of death except of heart diseases. In other words, in year 2020, approximately 10 million people died due to cancer. Both the President Moon and Ambassador Dr. Mendis stated that cancer, to a great extent, is a preventable disease or sickness if detected at the initial stage. It is of firm and strong conviction that this machine gifted by IIDA would enable to detect and prevent cancer from developing to second or third stage, thus saving lives.

Some of the deadliest and most difficult cancers to be medically treated are prostate, pancreatic, breast and lung cancer, amongst others, and in Sri Lanka, Ambassador Dr. Mendis added that a substantial number of people die each year due to cancer. President of IIDA Moon had visited Sri Lanka in the past and the International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) conducts altruistic and philanthropic functionaries in a number of developing countries around the world.  The President of IIDA stated that in due course once the COVID pandemic is over, the IIDA would dispatch a couple of experts and technicians to Sri Lanka to familiarize the operational aspect of the aforementioned Cancer Detection and Prevention Machine. Ambassador Dr. Mendis expressed sincere gratitude and appreciation to the IIDA for selecting Sri Lanka to gift, particularly, the Cancer Detection and Prevention Machine as well as a large quantum of exclusive sanitary products to be used by the populace of Sri Lanka.

Republic of Korea


20 June, 2021




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