ஏனைய மூலங்களின் செய்திகள்

Sri Lanka blames UNHCR over asylum issue

Sunday, 03rd August 2014  The Sri Lankan Government on Saturday blamed the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Sri Lanka over an issue surrounding Pakistani asylum seekers in this south Asian n ...

High Court bid to move asylum goalposts

Monday 04th August 2014 By Jared Owens IMMIGRATION Minister Scott Morrison is seeking a High Court ruling that could reshape Australia’s interpretation of the Refugee Convention by demanding that asylum-seekers change t ...

Terrorist Front Lobbies British Politicians

Sunday, 03rd August 2014 By Camelia Nathaniel Are the British Tamil votes, funds and campaign contributions controlled by the LTTE in the UK influencing Britain’s policy towards Sri Lanka? After the end of the war, LTT ...
