Koslanda landslide tragedy Tuesday, 04th November 2014 By Shamindra Ferdinando Media Secretary Charitha Herath yesterday cited recent media coverage of the Koslanda landslide tragedy as a glaring example of inadequacy ...
ஏனைய மூலங்களின் செய்திகள்
Security Forces transform Colombo to a greener place
Sunday, 02nd November 2014 Opinion: By K.M.H.C.B. Kulatunga A little over five years after the eradication of terrorism, Sri Lanka today is one of the most peaceful countries in Asia, and is in the midst of a wide ran ...
The Dutch Museum – A journey into the past
Sunday, 02nd November 2014 By Sureshini Pilapitiya The English doctor Ives who visited Colombo in 1757 wrote: "The streets are very wide with a row of beautiful trees. There is a very smooth and regular pavement on eac ...
The Dutch Museum – A journey into the past
Sunday, 02nd November 2014 By Sureshini Pilapitiya The English doctor Ives who visited Colombo in 1757 wrote: "The streets are very wide with a row of beautiful trees. There is a very smooth and regular pavement on eac ...
ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS a burning issue
Sunday, 02nd November 2014 By Kurulu Kariyakarawana One cannot help but notice the scrutiny of a seemingly unfriendly group of uniform clad ignorant receptionists to welcome you, whenever you are about to enter anoth ...
Water facilities to 82,000 ha of lands : Major irrigation projects for the North
Sunday, 02nd November 2014 By P. Krishnaswamy The major Moragahakanda-Kaluganga Development Project (MKDP), now on an accelerated pace will, on completion in the next six years, mark a very significant milestone under ...
Minister Basil Rajapaksa winds up Budget debate:Massive 85 percent increase in State sector employment
Sunday, 02nd November 2014 By Uditha Kumarasinghe Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa who wound up the Second Reading debate on the Budget on behalf of the Government made a detailed analysis on the economic a ...