ஏனைய மூலங்களின் செய்திகள்

Tourism earnings hit US$ 1.7 billion

High growth continues in hotels and restaurants Sunday, 01st June 2014 by Uditha Kumarasinghe The hotels and restaurants sub sector has continued its high growth trajectory by achieving 22.3 percent growth in 2013, c ...

LTTE Arrests In Malaysia

Sunday, 1st June 2014   Chandralingaraja Kushanthan, Kirubanandan Sellathurei and Mahadevan Kirubakaran By Camelia Nathaniel The LTTE leaders and members in Malaysia, Mauritius and Tamil Nadu indoctrinated the loc ...

LTTE Human Smuggling Links

Sunday, 1st June 2014 By Camelia Nathaniel The LTTE engaged in human smuggling, drug trafficking, bank and financial fraud and a range of other criminal activities to fund their operations. The LTTE used their own and o ...

SL to host Int’l Humanitarian law confab

Monday, 26th May 2014. Sri Lanka will host the 24th South Asia Teaching Session on international humanitarian law organised by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) with the support of the External Affairs ...
