ஏனைய மூலங்களின் செய்திகள்

Gotabaya warns of strong action

Sunday, 29th June 2014 By Meera Srinivasan Sri Lanka’s Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa, brother of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, on Saturday warned that stern action would be taken against those who espouse racial ...

Another Mass Grave Another Investigation

Sunday, 29th June 2014 By Binoy Suriarachchi With investigations still continuing into the Matale and Mannar mass graves, focus has now shifted to yet another grave which the Police claim, based on information they hav ...

Canada’s Emerging Politics Of Terror

Sunday, 29th June 2014 By Camelia Nathaniel Canadian law enforcement authorities and intelligence services are concerned about the LTTE’s penetration of their political establishment. A number of Sri Lankan Tamils tain ...

The ‘Mystery’ Of The ‘Missing’ LTTTer

Sunday, 29th June 2014 By Camelia Nathaniel The LTTE fronts are masters in terrorist propaganda. The same way, the LTTE created or infiltrated Tamil organizations overseas, the LTTE also created similar fronts in the W ...

Canada Refuses To Comment

  Sunday, 29th June 2014 By Easwaran Rutnam The Canadian authorities refused to comment on reports that Sri Lanka has sought the arrest and extradition of an LTTE convict believed to be living in Canada. A spokesper ...

Probe Team Has Not Sought Visas

Sunday, 29th June 2014 By Easwaran Rutnam The team appointed by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to investigate the alleged human rights abuses committed during the war, has not yet sought vi ...
