The Asia Pacific Group of UNESCO held its annual Cultural Evening at the headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) on 21.10.2010.
தூதரக செய்தி வெளியீடுகள்
Pradeep Ratnayake and Ensemble perform at the European Parliament
Sri Lankan sitar virtuoso Pradeep Ratnayake and ensemble performed at the European Parliament in Brussels last week to an audience which included MEPs, Parliamentary staff and officials from European Institutions and EU member states. This performance considered as the first by a Sri Lankan artist in the European Parliament, was held at the Yehudi Menuhin Auditorium in the presence of Dr. Libor Roucek, Vice-President of the European Parliament. The event was hosted by the Sri Lanka Embassy in Brussels in collaboration with MEP Nirj Deva and the Friends of Sri Lanka group of the European Parliament.
Removal of Sri Lanka from the Marine War, Marine Strikes and Ground War/Strikes (except for Vavuniya-Jaffna Section of the A-9 Highway) of Joint Cargo Committee , Lloyd’s Market Association– (JCC) Joint Cargo Watch(JCW)List
The Sri Lanka High Commission, London is pleased to inform that with effect from 05th July 2010 Sri Lanka has been removed from all marine war, and marine strikes risk of the Joint Cargo Committee Joint Cargo Watch List. In addition, the Ground Risk of 2.6 (High Level) previously applicable for the entire ground in Sri Lanka is now confined only to the Vavuniya – Jaffna Section of the A-9 Highway.
II National Meeting on Natural and Traditional Medicine – Cuba-Sri Lanka Symposium on Ayurvedic Medicine, Havana
Address by H.E. Ms Tamara Kunanayakam
Ambassador of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in Cuba
Dr Juan Carriso Estévez, Rector, Latin American School of Medicine
Dr Rolando Serra Toledo, Representative of the Rector, José Echeverria Higher Polytechnic Institute
Lic. Adelaida Ramos, President, Sociedad Cultural “Jose Marti”
Lic. Concepción Campa, Director General of Institute Finlay
Dra. Martha Pérez Viñas, Nacional Director of Natural and Tradicional Medicine
Dear colleagues and friends:
Let me begin by expressing my gratitude to the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba and Dr Martha Pérez Viñas, National Director of Natural and Traditional Medicine of the Ministry for this opportunity to share in this noble exercise to promote and preserve traditional knowledge in the field of medicine as an efficient and effective system for maintaining positive health and in treating disease!
Statement delivered by His Excellency Mr A.M.J.Sadiq, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Brazil & Delegate of the Government of Sri Lanka at the 12th U.N. Congress on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice in Salvador, State of Bahia, Brazil on Thursday, 15th April
Madam Chairperson,
Since this is the first occasion that I am taking the floor to address the 12th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice, I would at the outset, like to avail myself of this opportunity to sincerely thank the authorities of the host country, Brazil for the warm hospitality accorded to all of us delegates and participants since our arrival in Salvador and the excellent arrangements made in organizing this important Congress.
“SRI LANKA, Geostrategic Importance, Present Situation And Challenges Ahead” by H.E. Tamara Kunanayakam Ambassador of Sri Lanka in Cuba at Centre for Studies on Asia and Oceania in Havana on March 11, 2010

Let me begin by expressing my gratitude to Dr. Juan Carretero, Director of the Centro de Estudios sobre Asia y Oceania, for having given me this opportunity to address this gathering of dignitaries, academics, researchers, diplomats, and friends! I also wish to thank Dr. Eduardo Regalado, Deputy Director, and Ms. Claudia Gonzalez, Researcher, for their contribution and help.
Mission in Kuwait assists children with special needs
As exclusively reported by the SRI TV news channel last week, the Embassy staff together with the members of the Seva Vanitha Unit have extended a generous donation of Rs. 100,000 towards helping a girl of 16 years in Gampaha to have a surgery for her hunchback (deformed back). The girl who was born with a curvature of the spine (hunchback) made an appearance recently over the “Live @ 7 – Praja Sathkaraya” programme which features “people with special disabilities & special needs”