தூதரக செய்தி வெளியீடுகள்

Sri Lanka Gems Captivate the Chinese Consumer Market


The Sri Lanka Embassy in Beijing together with the National Gem and Jewellery Authority and Gem and Jewellery Association organized a colorful Sri Lanka Pavilion at the International Gem and Jewellry Fair 2009 from November 5th to 9th at the China International Exhibition Center in Beijing.

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Sri Lanka Donates Corneas to South Africa


The High Commission of Sri Lanka in Pretoria in partnership with the Department of International Relations and Cooperation of South Africa, Sri Lanka Eye Donation Society and Pretoria Eye Institute, participated in a ceremony to officially hand over five corneas donated by the Sri Lankan Eye Donation Society to the Pretoria Eye Institute on 04th November 2009 at the Pretoria Eye Institute in Pretoria. Dr. H S Casim, Medical Director of Sri Lanka Eye Donation Society, and Mr. Janath Matara Arachchi participated in the event representing Eye Donation Society of Sri Lanka.

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Sri Lanka and Kuwait ink Investment Promotion & Protection Agreement


Sri Lanka and Kuwait signed the Investment Promotion & Protection Agreement (IPPA) on 05th November 2009 marking Sri Lanka’s first such agreement with Gulf countries which includes Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain. At a simple ceremony held at the Ministry of Finance of Kuwait. Mr. Khalifa M. Hamada, Undersecretary to the Ministry of Finance signed the agreement on behalf of Kuwait while Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Kuwait Sarath Dissanayake signed for Sri Lanka. The negotiations on the IPPA have been concluded in June 2009.

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Sri Lankan, U.S. Officials Successfully Conclude Trade Talks – Reconciliation through Economic Development


U.S. and Sri Lankan trade representatives held their seventh annual meeting Thursday (15 October) to discuss a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement signed in 2002. The talks focused on a number of trade issues that are designed to increase commerce between the U.S. and Sri Lanka. The meeting included talks on intellectual property rights, food labeling, garment exports and patent and payment issues.

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Commemorative ceremony celebrating 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Cuba and Sri Lanka

Address by Tamara Kunanayakam, Ambassador of Sri Lanka, Havana


Casa de la Amistad, Cuban Institute for Friendship with Peoples (ICAP)
29 de julio de 2009

Excellencies Vice Ministers!
Madam Vice President of ICAP!
My dear friends!

It is a great honour for me to represent my country on this historic occasion to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of friendship and cooperation between the Republic of Cuba and the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. On behalf of our President Mahinda Rajapaksa, his Government, our people, and on my own behalf, I wish to reiterate our sincere friendship, solidarity, and our unconditional support for the historic and irreversible choices made by the Cuban people in favour of the Revolution!

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IOM to assist Sri Lankan Embassy to resolve labour issues


A delegation from International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Kuwait led by Mr. Fawzi Al-Zioud, Chief of Mission visited the Embassy on 08th September 2009 accompanied by Ms. Iman Ereiqat, Snr. Admin/Finance and had discussions with the Ambassador and Labour section’s staff with regard to a range of labour issues. Dr. Adel Al-Damkhi, Chairman of the Kuwait Association of the Basic Evaluators for Human Rights also joined the IOM delegation at discussions.

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‘Sri Lanka: Facets of Post-Conflict Development’ Photographic Exhibition inaugurated at the European Parliament

Chairman of the Northern Task Force for Resettlement, Development and Security in the Northern Province and Senior Adviser to the President Basil Rajapaksa, MP, together with the Vice-President of the European Parliament Dr. Libor Rou?ek, inaugurated a photographic exhibition titled ‘Sri Lanka: Facets of Post-conflict Development’ at the European Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday (30 September). The exhibition was conceptualized and organized by the Sri Lanka Embassy in Brussels, with the sponsorship of Mrs. Elisabetta Gardini, MEP and the ‘Friends of Sri Lanka’ group in the European Parliament. Members of the European Parliament, members of the diplomatic corps from EU member countries and SAARC, officials of the European institutions and a representative gathering of Sri Lankans living in Belgium and friends of Sri Lanka, participated in the event.

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