Mr. Nalin Fernando, Chairman of Lanka Sathosa Ltd, Sri Lanka and Mr. Sarwar Khan, Director General of, Directorate of Food, Bangladesh signing the Agrement on behalf of the Governments of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Hon. ...
தூதரக செய்தி வெளியீடுகள்
Brazilian tour promoters to visit Sri Lanka shortly
A high profile business delegation from Brazil, consisting of twelve leading tour operators and destination promoters will be in Sri Lanka on a familiarization tour from 03rd to 10th December 2014. The tour is ...
Russia approves import of fish and fish products from Sri Lanka
As a result of the untiring efforts of the Government of Sri Lanka through the Embassy of Sri Lanka in the Russian Federation, the Federal Service of Veterinary Surveillance under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russi ...
Holy Mass held in Bethlehem to bless President Rajapaksa
A Holy Mass organized by friends of Sri Lanka in Bethlehem in collaboration with the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Israel and the Representative Office of Sri Lanka in the State of Palestine was held on 22nd November at the C ...
Ambassador D. S. de Silva presents credentials to the Polish President
Sri Lanka's Ambassador-designate to Poland, D.S. de Silva presented his credentials to the President of Poland, His Excellency Bronisłow Komorowski at a ceremony held at the official residence, "Bel ...
Sri Lanka Embassy seeks information on expatriates in Iraq
It has been reported that there are around 2000-3000 Sri Lankans expatriates living in various parts of Iraq, mainly in Kurdistan Region in the Northern part of Iraq. The Embassy learns that the number is increasing as t ...
Ambassador Raja Edirisuriya presents credentials in Suriname
Ambassador Raja A. Edirisuriya, presented his letters of credence on the 12th of November 2014, as the non-resident Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the President of Suriname, His Excellency Desire Delano Bouterse. Following ...