Australian Travel Agents to visit Sri Lanka on Familiarisation Tour

Australian Travel Agents to visit Sri Lanka on Familiarisation Tour


A Twenty member delegation comprising of travel agents and media personnel will undertake a familiarisation tour to Sri Lanka from 06 – 15 July 2019.  The Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB) in coordination with the Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Sydney has organised this familiarisation tour for Australian travel agents.

The purpose of the tour is to enable the members of the delegation to experience the country firsthand and portray its beautiful atmosphere, natural beauty and Sri Lanka’s tourism attractions among the Australian travellers. Most of the participants are first time visitors to the country.

A meeting was arranged in the Consulate General of Sri Lanka to brief the current situation in Sri Lanka and to explain the arrangements made for the visiting Australian travel agents prior to their departure.

A comprehensive programme has been arranged by the SLTPB covering major tourism attractions such as Sigiriya, Trincomalee, Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, Mirissa etc.  A business networking between the visiting Australian tour operators and their  Sri Lankan counterparts has also been arranged on the last day of the programme.

Australia has now eased travel restrictions imposed on Sri Lanka after the Easter Sunday incidents enabling Australian travellers to visit Sri Lanka.  Australia is one of the fastest growing markets for Sri Lanka’s tourism and it registered a 36% growth in 2018.

Consulate General of Sri Lanka


26 June 2019

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