Ambassador Thassim calls on Saudi Deputy Minister for Social Development

Ambassador Thassim calls on Saudi Deputy Minister for Social Development


Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia AzmiThassim called on the newly appointed Saudi Deputy Minister of Social Development, Dr. Tamadherbint Yousef Al – Rammah, recently at the Ministry of Labour and Social Development, in Riyadh.

Ambassador Thassim congratulated Dr. Tamadher on her appointment to this position and appreciated the measures that the Ministry has taken to protect and promote women’s rights after her assumption of duties.

Dr. Tamadher explained that women empowerment is moving at a steady pace along with the current positive changes in the Saudi Arabian society.  She also underlined the importance of education in empowering women in social issues and their rights, which is one of the main tasks that her Ministry has embarked upon.

The two sides also discussed in detail the possible arrangements that the Ministry could offer to overcome the issues related to female domestic workers. Deputy Minster expressed her keenness to further peruse on this issue. Ambassador’s proposal to have an exchange of expertise and experience between the two countries in the field of social affairs was positively received by the Deputy Minister. She underlined her eagerness to study the existing best practices from Sri Lanka and the rest of Asia on social development and empowerment.

Minister Counsellor Madhuka Wickramarachchi and Desk Officer/ Bilateral Affairs of the Embassy  A.L.M. Jabeer also attended the meeting with Ambassador Thassim.

Embassy of Sri Lanka


20 December 2018


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