Ambassador Gunasekera delivers Key Note address at the Webinar on “Sustainable/eco-Tourism in Archipelagic and Island States Post COVID-19 Pandemic”

Ambassador Gunasekera delivers Key Note address at the Webinar on “Sustainable/eco-Tourism in Archipelagic and Island States Post COVID-19 Pandemic”

The AIS Forum was established as a developmental forum on 1 November 2018 in Manado, Indonesia with a number of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) being embedded in the goals of the Forum, including the SDG14. It is envisaged that the AIS Forum will result in new partnerships and innovative approaches to development.

The AIS Forum Secretariat was established in Jakarta in 2019, under the facilitation of the UNDP Indonesia. Through this initiative, it is intended to strengthen the cooperation between the AIS participating countries and build a network of universities that can support addressing climate change and ocean-related problems.

Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Indonesia Yasoja Gunasekera was invited by the AIS Secretariat to be the Key Note Speaker for the webinar on “Sustainable Eco-Tourism in Archipelagic and Island States Post COVID-19 Pandemic” on 25 August 2020. This was the 3rd Ambassadorial Lecture Series organized by the AIS Secretariat and hosted by the Department of Development Geography, Gadjah Mada University which is one of the leading universities in Indonesia.

The webinar resulted in a productive and fruitful discussion among the panellists and was attended by around 170 participants of which the majority was university students coming from 10 countries.

Embassy of Sri Lanka

28 August 2020

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