Searching for opportunities to bolster trade and investment ties, a delegation from Sri Lanka – Singapore Business Council of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, was in Singapore from 21 to 23 August 2019. The visit was a result of a coordinated effort by the High Commission of Sri Lanka in Singapore and the Sri Lanka – Singapore Business Council in association with the Singapore Business Federation (SBF) and Enterprise Singapore.
Twenty-six companies representing a wide range of industries including the IT/BPM, Shipping & Logistics, Tourism, Gems & Jewelry, Construction and manufacturing sectors, and representatives from the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka, participated in several high profile meetings and networking sessions held during the visit.
The delegation interacted with the Singapore -Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCCI), the Singapore-Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SICCI), the Law Society of Singapore and also undertook a networking visit to the Small and Medium Enterprises SMEICC EXPO. This was in addition to the Business Forum held entitled “Doing Business in Sri Lanka” which aimed at providing information on the business and investment climate in Sri Lanka to Singaporean counterparts. At the Forum High Commissioner Sashikala Premawardhane reassured those present that all necessary measures had been taken by the Government since the Easter Sunday attacks to ensure a safe and secure environment in the country.
In addition, a Memorandum of Understanding between Sri Lanka – Singapore Business Council and Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry confirming the commitment of the two councils for close cooperation.
The Sri Lanka Business delegation also made learning visits to the Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE) of Singapore and the KPMG Digital Village, concluding a successful business promotion mission to Singapore.