Sri Lanka- Turkey successfully concluded negotiations on the Elimination of Double Taxation with respect to taxes on income and the prevention of tax evasion and avoidance

Sri Lanka- Turkey successfully concluded negotiations on the Elimination of Double Taxation with respect to taxes on income and the prevention of tax evasion and avoidance


Sri Lanka and Turkey concluded the negotiations of the “Elimination of Double Taxation with respect to taxes on income and the prevention of tax evasion and avoidance” from 21 to 24 January 2020 in Ankara. The Sri Lankan delegation headed by Commissioner General of Inland Revenue A.N. Guruge and Sri Lankan delegation comprised with Deputy Commissioner General- Tax Policy & Legislation K.S.B.R.D.S. Karunarathne Senior Commissioner (International Affairs) N. M. M. Mifly, Commissioner (International Tax Policy) R.P.H. Fernando.

The Turkish delegation was led by Deputy Commissioner of Turkish Revenue Administration İdris Şenyurt and Head of Department Ahmet Kurt, Head of Group Mustafa Cemil Kara,  Director Sevinç Sayin were the members of the negotiating team.

The Ambassador of Sri Lanka Rizvi Hassen and the Sri Lankan delegation met the Commissioner General of Turkish Revenue Administration, Bekir Bayrakdar at the Presidency of Turkish Revenue Administration and exchange views on future collaborations between both countries. Ambassador expressed the hope that the agreement could finalize soon to sign and implement as it will give a boost to the investors and businessmen to explore investment opportunities available in the two countries.

The Commissioner General of Inland Revenue, Sri Lanka and the Deputy Controller General of the Presidency of Turkish Revenue Administration initialed the agreed minutes of the draft text of the agreement.

Embassy of Sri Lanka
30 January 2020

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