Ven. Bogoda Seelawimala Thero, Chief Incumbent of the London Buddhist Vihara, Rev. Kurukkal S. Kokulanathan, Rev. Father Rohitha Rodrigo, Catholic Chaplain for Sri Lankans in the UK and Moulavi Ishaq Thahir who represented Buddhist, Hindu Christian and Islam religions respectively, invoked blessings on Sri Lanka, the President and people.
Arrangements had been made for the gathering to view the National Day speech delivered in Kataragama by H.E. the President on a large screen.
In his address Actg. High Commissioner Mr. Amza highlighted the importance of the day and appealed the Sri Lankan community in the UK to engage with the development and rebuilding endeavours in Sri Lanka in a more intense and diverse manner for the benefit of the country. He further said that the High Commission is open for all Sri Lankans to come and join with its activities towards this end.
The day’s event concluded with a reception hosted by the High Commission where traditional Sri Lankan food was served.
A prayer service by the Westminster Abbey to invoke blessings on the country’s peace and harmony is scheduled to be held in the evening.
Thereafter, Acting High Commissioner P. M. Amza invited Sri Lanka’s friends in the international community to join hands with Sri Lanka in its rebuilding endeavours, at a luncheon reception hosted by the High Commission today, for the London based Diplomatic Corps, British Members of Parliament & government officials at the High Commission premises, to mark the 63rd National Day.
This well attended Diplomatic Reception followed the flag hoisting ceremony held in the High Commission with the participation of Sri Lankan expatriates, British friends and well-wishers, on the 4th of February.
Members of the House of Lords
Members of the House of Commons
Distinguished Invitees
Ladies and Gentlemen
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the celebrations to mark the 63rd anniversary of Sri Lanka’s Independence.
Sri Lanka, known as the ‘Pearl of Indian Ocean’, has a recorded history of over 2500 years. It has been affected by foreign invasions from time to time. The last phase of foreign occupation lasted 443 years.
The British rule in Sri Lanka started in 1796 and ended on the 4th of February 1948, when Sri Lanka regained independence.
Sri Lanka’s relationship with the United Kingdom is deep rooted, and multi-faceted. British influence is still seen in many aspects of social life and infrastructure in contemporary Sri Lanka. They include:
The Westminster model Parliamentary System
Plantation Economy
Road and Rail Network
English Education
Structured Civil Service
English Company Law
Judicial System
During the post independent era, Sri Lanka has been able to build on what the British had left in all these fields.
Sri Lanka’s political relationship with the UK has seen its ups and downs, but the friendship is time-tested. Our economic relations have continued to flourish. UK is the second largest export market, the fourth largest investor, and the second largest tourism generating country, for Sri Lanka. A sizable number of Sri Lankans visit the UK for the purposes of education annually which is testimony to the upward trend in the area of people to people contact between our two countries.
The 63rd anniversary of Sri Lanka’s independence is taking place at an important juncture of our contemporary history. When we gained independence in 1948 we were a happy nation. However, the country was not able to make the full use of its great potential due to the emergence of a ruthless terrorist campaign against the State, which hindered its economic development. After 63 years of the independence, we are now a proud nation again, having completely eradicated terrorism from our soil. We are also proud of the remarkable progress we have made in facing the post-conflict challenges in the areas of resettlement, rehabilitation, reconciliation and reconstruction.
At this decisive phase when Sri Lanka is marching towards future which holds great promise having emerged from a turbulent past, she needs the understanding and goodwill of all here friends in the international community.
I invite all of you, to join hands.
Thank you.
High Commission of Sri Lanka
07 February 2011
YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umAkhPH1A5o