Jaffna fort repair nears completion

Jaffna fort repair nears completion


Monday, 08th December 2014

Conservation of Jaffna Dutch Fortress undertaken by the Department of Archaeology was nearing completion, the Department said.

The project is funded by the National Heritage Ministry and partly funded by the Netherlands. Archaeologists in Charge of the project said that 95 per cent of the project was complete.

In 2010 the Dutch government pledged 62.1 million rupees as a grant from the Shared Heritage Fund to conserve the 300-year-old fort in northern Jaffna.The project total cost has been estimated at 104.5 million rupees, with the balance funds coming from the Sri Lankan government.

As at current situation the cost had been estimated at Rs. 134 mn. They said the bastion and the outer wall of the fortress with the main entrance had already been restored. They pointed out that the arrival of foreign and local tourists taking an interest in this ancient monument has increased in a large proportion after implementing the conservation project.

From : Daily Mirror e-paper http://dailymirrorepaper.newspaperdirect.com/epaper/viewer.aspx

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