International scholarly symposium at UNESCO, Paris, to mark the Sambuddhatwa Jayanthi

International scholarly symposium at UNESCO, Paris, to mark the Sambuddhatwa Jayanthi

The Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO and the Asia Pacific Group of Member States in association with the Director General and Secretariat of UNESCO have finalized preparations for the holding of an international scholarly symposium on “the Contributions of the Buddha’s Teachings to Universality, Humanism and Peace” on 20th May 2011.

Bringing together eminent academics and personalities from the fields of philosophy, education and diplomacy, the Symposium will be chaired by the Director General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, and co-chaired by Indian Parliamentarian and scholar, Dr. Karan Singh.

Presenting papers at the symposium would be Professor Yang Jian of the Institute of World Religions, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (C.A.S.S) in Beijing, Prof. Dr. Phra Dhammakosajarn, Rector of the Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University in Bangkok, Prof. Osmond Bopearachchi, Director of Research, French National Centre for Scientific Research, Ecole Normale Supérieure (C.N.R.S.- E.N.S.) in Paris, Mr. Orya Maqbool Jan, Secretary of the Government of Punjab in Pakistan, Prof. Narang Nouth, Ambassador of Cambodia to UNESCO and Ambassador Mohan Krishna Shrestha of Nepal. President of the General Conference of UNESCO, Dr. Davidson Hepburn is due to moderate the paper presentation and subsequent discussion.

The summation and concluding remarks would be by the Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Sri Lanka to UNESCO, Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka.

Given the significance of this year’s Vesak Day, the most sacred day of the Buddhist Calender, coinciding with the 2600th anniversary of the Enlightenment of the Buddha, the focus would be on the contribution of philosophy to some of UNESCO’s fundamental beliefs, those of peace, dialogue among civilizations and the rapprochement of cultures.

Initiated and coordinated by the Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO, with the endorsement of the Director General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, the event would place emphasis on the contributory role of Asia to universal values, humanism and the realm of philosophy, with centrality being accorded to the great Asian thought–leader and philosopher, Gauthama the Buddha, whose Teachings possess Universalist aims and values.
Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO
12 May 2011

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