Gains from China

Gains from China


 Friday, 19th September 2014

By: J. Yogaraj

As a result of world leaders visiting Sri Lanka, the country's image has received a boost.

People around the world now agreed that the country is peaceful and rapid development is taking place. Sri Lanka and China have maintained a good relationship for a long time. Both countries share common religious and cultural values.

In 2013, Sri Lanka enjoyed rapid economic growth in the South Asian region and its growth development was next to China's.
Sri Lanka has an enduring, multidimensional and deep-rooted relationship with China. The long-standing ties of friendship, between the two countries, is underpinned by mutual trust and confidence. A close identity of views and mutual interest remain the hallmark of bilateral ties. The Chinese leadership has always appreciated Sri Lanka's steadfast support on issues of concern to them. China has always supported Sri Lanka on all issues of importance to the letter, The Sri Lankan leadership has always appreciated China's steadfast support on issues of concern.

Leaders who have visited Sri Lanka in the very recent past are: Foreign Affairs Minister of Spain, the Cuban Foreign Minister, a Polish Minister, the Japanese Prime Minister and on 16 September the Chinese President Xi Jinping.
The 23-hour stay in Sri Lanka was a part of the Chinese President's South East Asian tour, which includes the Maldives, India and Kasaksthan. Xi Jinping had signed 23 MoUs during his short stay in Sri Lanka.

Who is Xi Jinping ?
Xi Jinping (pinyin: Xí Jìnpíng, pronounced [ɕǐ tɕînpʰǐŋ], born 15 June 1953) is the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, the President of the People's Republic of China, and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission. As Xi holds the top offices of the party, State, and military, he is sometimes informally referred to as China's 'paramount leader'. As General Secretary, Xi is also an ex officio member of the CPC Politburo Standing Committee, China's de facto top decision-making body.
Son of communist veteran Xi Zhongxun, Xi Jinping rose through the ranks politically in China's coastal provinces. He served as the Governor of Fujian between 1999 and 2002, then as Governor and CPC Party Chief of the neighbouring Zhejiang between 2002 and 2007. Following the dismissal of Chen Liangyu, Xi was transferred to Shanghai as the Party Secretary for a brief period in 2007. Xi was promoted to the Politburo Standing Committee and Central Secretariat in October 2007 and was groomed to become Hu Jintao's successor.

Xi is now the leader of the People's Republic's fifth generation of leadership.[4] He has called for a renewed campaign against corruption, further market economic reforms, an open approach to governance, and a comprehensive national renewal under the neologism 'Chinese Dream'.

Early life

Xi Jinping was born on 15 June 1953 in Beijing. His father, Xi Zhongxun (1913–2002), was a Communist revolutionary figure. After the founding of the Communist State in 1949, Xi's father held a series of posts, including Propaganda Chief, Vice-Premier, and Vice-Chairman of the National People's Congress. Xi's father is from Fuping County, Shaanxi, and Xi could further trace his patrilineal descent from Xiying in Dengzhou, Henan.[8] He is the second son of Xi Zhongxun and his wife Qi Xin.

When Xi was 10, his father was purged and sent to work in a factory in Luoyang, Henan. In May 1966, Xi's secondary education was cut short by the cultural revolution, when all secondary classes were halted for students to criticise and fight their teachers. Xi was 15 when his father was jailed in 1968 during the cultural revolution. Without the protection of his father, Xi went to work in Yanchuan County, Shaanxi, in 1969 in Mao Zedong's Down to the Countryside Movement. He later became the party branch secretary of the production team. When he left in 1975, he was only 22 years old. When asked about this experience later by State television, Xi recalled it saying, "It was emotional.
It was a mood. And when the ideals of the cultural revolution could not be realized, it proved an illusion."

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