Foreign Minister Samaraweera assumes duties

Foreign Minister Samaraweera assumes duties


Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera assumed duties at the Foreign Ministry today. This is his third stint at the Foreign Ministry, having been Foreign Minister for the first time between November 2005 and January 2007, and for the second time between January 2015 and August 2015.

Speaking to Foreign Ministry staff after assuming duties, Minister Samaraweera said that he would build on the tremendous goodwill the international community extended to Sri Lanka after the January 8 revolution, adding that, the intensification of engagement and strengthening of relations will be made possible by the political stability arising from the decisive mandate given by the people in the general election.

The Minister highlighted that he would focus on economic diplomacy  - in particular on promoting trade, tourism and investment. Minister Samaraweera also noted that restructuring the Foreign Ministry and the rationalization of Sri Lanka’s diplomatic missions abroad was an urgent priority. 

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
25 August 2015



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