

Mt. Lavinia Hotel -28th March 2009


Dr. Palitha T.B. Kohona,
Secretary/Foreign Affairs

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you at this crucial point in the history of Sri Lanka. As you all know, the moment is near when we shall see the results of the supreme sacrifices made by our valiant security forces in liberating our brothers and sisters in the North of Sri Lanka from the terror’s grasp. All the communities of Sri Lanka have started to sense and feel the true spirit of freedom, absence of fear and the joy of living that was not theirs’ during the last three decades. You are here to herald a new era in our history.

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Foreign Minister briefs diplomatic community on the current situation in the North

Statement by Hon. Rohitha Bogollagama, MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 18 February 2009

Your Excellencies, Ladies & Gentlemen,

As part of my regular briefings to the Diplomatic Corps, I have convened this meeting today in order to deal with two specific subjects; the North-Western and the Central Provincial Council elections, and the current situation in the North.

The Provincial Council elections which were held over the weekend, gave the government an overwhelming victory which is a clear indication of the public mood prevailing in the country today. The election result was never in doubt. It was indeed a referendum and an endorsement of the policies being followed by the government under the leadership of President Mahinda Rajapaksa and specifically, on the course of action being followed on eradicating terrorism. This is the third time that Provincial Council elections have been held since the election of the present government for five Provinces, all of which have been won by the ruling United Peoples Freedom Alliance.

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Keynote Address by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the Honorary Consuls of Sri Lanka abroad

Keynote Address by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the Honorary Consuls of Sri Lanka abroad - Presidential Secretariat, Colombo - January 19, 2009

Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rohitha Bogollagama,
Senior Officials of Government,
Honorary Consuls representing Sri Lanka overseas,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

First, let me take this opportunity to wish you a very happy 2009. I consider this meeting with the Honorary Consuls for Sri Lanka who, at our request have arrived in Colombo from near and far as most timely and important.

After being elected as President in November 2005, this is my first opportunity of meeting and interacting with you together. Therefore, I consider this a useful opportunity for me to share with you some of my thoughts in implementing the vision for my country spelt out at the commencement of my presidency.

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