වෙනත් මූලාශ්‍රයන්ගෙන් ලද පුවත්

President in Maldives and Seychelles

Tuesday, 01st July 2014 - See more at: http://dailynews.lk/?q=local/president-maldives-and-seychelles#sthash.JiPEkHp9.dpuf - See more at: http://dailynews.lk/?q=local/president-maldives-and-seychelles#sthash.JiPEkH ...

Seminar On Religious Unity

Tuesday, 01st July 2014 Leading members of the Buddhist, Christian and Muslim clergy including Viharadhipathies in the Kolonnawa Divisional Secretariat Division attended a seminar on religious unity and co-existence or ...

The Sri Lankan economy’s chance to SHINE

Tuesday, 1st July 2014 By Ken Wangdong - Markets Analyst, Money Morning Trading at Colombo stock Exchange  After five years of peace, Sri Lanka is getting it all back together. Despite the violence and the civil w ...
