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Sri Lankan Buddhist Monk harassed in Tamil Nadu returns safely to New Delhi

On 16 March 2013, a group of persons had attempted to assault a Buddhist monk, Ven Pathberiye Gnanaloka, while he was on a study tour at the Thanjavur Hindu Temple. Ven Gnanaloka Thero who is pursuing a Postgraduate Diploma in Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology of India has been studying in India in New Delhi for the past 18 months and has visited several Indian states on study tour.

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Statement at the Adoption of the Report of the UPR Working Group by Hon. Mahinda Samarasinghe M.P. Minister of Plantation Industries and Special Envoy of H.E. the President of Sri Lanka on Human Rights Leader of the Sri Lanka Delegation

Mr President,

My delegation and I join you this morning with a deep sense of satisfaction. November 2012 saw Sri Lanka face its second UPR and we were able to lay before the working group, our progress since 2008 and the expectations for future improvements in the promotion and protection of human rights, going forward. We have come a long way since the initial Universal Periodic Review of Sri Lanka during the first cycle in 2008. My country then was engaged in a conflict against terrorism – commencing in 2006 – trying to rescue a civilian population held by a ruthless group of terrorists. A year after that first review, we finally achieved success in the humanitarian operation and witnessed the dawn of a new era of peace, stability and prosperity for all Sri Lankans. Since May 2009 we engaged in a period of consolidation, removing military involvement in civil administration, reconstruction, demining, rehabilitation, resettlement and launched our initial efforts at national reconciliation and peace-building.

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Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Sri Lanka and the Republic of Honduras


The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the Republic of Honduras established formal diplomatic relations on 12th March 2013.   H.E Dr. Palitha Kohona, the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations, signed the joint communique on behalf of Sri Lanka, while H.E. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Flake, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Honduras signed on behalf of Honduras.

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