The High Commission of Sri Lanka in Islamabad celebrated Sri Lanka’s 67th Anniversary of Independence on 4th February 2015, at the High Commission premises with the hoisting of the national flag by High Commission ...
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Sri Lankans in South Korea celebrate 67th Independence Day
On February 8, 2015, the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Seoul celebrated the 67th Anniversary of the Independence of Sri Lanka with members of the Sri Lankan community in South Korea. The commemoration was held in Gwangju city, ...
67th Independence Day Celebrations at the High Commission of Sri Lanka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
High Commission of Sri Lanka in Bangladesh celebrated the 67th Independence Day on 4th February 2015 with the participation of a large number of Sri Lankans and diplomatic community, prominent political and business lea ...
Good Governance and Reconciliation – Highlight of the 67th Independence Day in Austria
The 67th National Day of Sri Lanka was celebrated by expatriate Sri Lankans, Austrian officials and members of the diplomatic corps, at the Embassy and Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Vienna, on 4th February 2015. O ...
Embassy of Sri Lanka in Yangon Celebrates 67th Anniversary of Independence on 04.02.2015
On the 4th of February 2015, the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Yangon celebrated the 67th Anniversary of Independence in an elegant ceremony under the patronage of Ambassador, H.R. Piyasiri at the Embassy premises with the par ...
Sri Lanka’s 67th Independence Day Celebrated in Shanghai
The Sri Lankan expatriate community living in Shanghai and the neighbouring provinces came together on 4th February 2015 to celebrate the 67th Independence Day of Sri Lanka organized by the Consulate General of Sri Lank ...
Diplomatic Reception: 67th Independence Day of Sri Lanka
The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in New York hosted a well-attended reception for the diplomatic community and senior UN staff at its chancery premises on 4thFebruary to celebrate Sri Lanka’s 67t ...