අමාත්‍යාංශයේ මාධ්‍ය නිවේදන

Foreign Ministers of Sri Lanka and Singapore consolidate strong bilateral ties


Expansion  of  economic  relations  in  the  atmosphere  of  peace  and  stability  prevailing  in  the  country  was  the  central  focus  of  the  bilateral  discussions  which  took  place  in  Singapore  on Monday 28th July 2014, between  Professor  G.L. Peiris,  Minister  of  External  Affairs,  and  Mr.  K. Shanmugam, Minister of  Foreign  Affairs  and  Law  of  Singapore.  The  Ministers  took  advantage  of  the  opportunity  to  reflect  on  current  developments  in  Sri  Lanka  and  the  region.

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Statement by Sri Lanka on the Situation in Gaza

The Government of Sri Lanka is deeply concerned at the recent escalating violence in Gaza, resulting in tragic loss of civilian lives and extensive damage to property. Cross border provocations on locations in parts of I ...
