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First Session of Foreign Office Consultations between Sri Lanka and Bhutan concludes in Colombo


The first session of the Foreign Office Consultations between Sri Lanka and Bhutan concluded in Colombo on Monday 16th November, 2015.  The Bhutan delegation was led by Mr. Tshering Dorji, Foreign Secretary, while Ms. Chitranganee Wagiswara, Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs led the Sri Lanka delegation. The Consultations were convened following the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding signed during the visit of the Bhutanese Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay in April 2015. It may be recalled that the highlight of the visit was the gift of the Bo Sapling of the Sacred Sri Maha Bodhi in celebration of the 60th Birth Anniversary of the Fourth King of Bhutan.

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Sri Lanka elected to the UNESCO Executive Board


Sri Lanka was elected to the Executive Board of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) on 11 November 2015 during the 38th General Conference in Paris. Sri Lanka was one of six countries that qualified to serve on the Executive Board from the Asia and Pacific Group for the period 2015-2019, having received 149 out of 186 votes at the election in which there were eight candidate countries. The countries which were elected to the Executive Board from the Asia and Pacific Group with Sri Lanka are Malaysia, Viet Nam, Republic of Korea, Pakistan, and Iran (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/general-conference-38th/elections/results-executive-board).

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