Author Archives: MFA User

Tiger terrorists hold UNHCR refugee cards:

UN body declines comment Sunday, 06th July 2014 The UN body for refugees said that it was unable to comment on the suspected LTTE terrorists holding their official refugee status cards. Three Tiger terrorists with int ...

LTTE suspects abuse UNHCR refugee policy

Sunday, 06th July 2014 By  Arthur Wamanan and Sandun Jayawardana International expert on terrorism Prof Rohan Gunaratna states that while Malaysia has a zero tolerance level for terrorism and terrorist activities, ...

No Islamic Terrorists in SL: Gotabaya

By P K Balachandran COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa has said that there are no Islamic terrorists in Lanka, but the Sinhalese and the Tamils have issues with Muslims at several places in the c ...
