Vesak celebrations in Beijing

Vesak celebrations in Beijing

The Sri Lanka Embassy in Beijing together with Chinese well-wishers organized a Vesak celebration on 25 and 26 May 2024, with the participation of over 500 devotees from China. The Sri Lankan community also attended the celebrations.

Over 50 Buddhist Theros and nuns graced the occasion, including Most Venerable Dr. Akuretiye Nanda Thero, Most Venerable Dr. Bodagama Chandima Nayaka Thero, and Most Venerable Uduwe Dhammaloka Thero. Buddhist Theros from the ancient Lingguang Temple in Beijing and the Shaolin Temple in Henan Province were also present at the event, together with the diplomatic corps.

The exposition of the sacred relics brought to China by the Sri Lankan Theros was arranged giving an opportunity for the devotees to pay homage.

Most Venerable Uduwe Dhammaloka Thero commenced the reciting of gaathas, while Chinese chanting was led by Vice President of the Buddhist Association of China Venerable Chang Zang Thero. Venerable Dr. Bodagama Chandima Nayaka Thero and Venerable Chang Zang Thero delivered speeches during the event, emphasizing the significance of the Vesak festival.

Ambassador of Sri Lanka in China Majintha Jayesinghe, in his speech, highlighted the teachings of the Buddha and his enduring message of compassion, peace, and goodwill, which have positively influenced millions over the centuries. The Ambassador also paid tribute to former Minister of Foreign Affairs the late Lakshman Kadirgamar  acknowledging his relentless advocacy and dedication which were pivotal in having Vesak declared an International Day of Observance by the United Nations General Assembly in 1999. The Ambassador called on everyone to continue working together to build a world that reflects the values of understanding and compassion taught by the Buddha.

The special Vesak message by the President of Sri Lanka was delivered by Deputy Chief of Mission K.K. Yoganaadan. The event featured bhakthi geetha performances by the Embassy staff, Chinese devotional songs, and an enchanting lotus dance performed by a young Chinese student from Tianjin.

The Embassy premises was colourfully decorated with traditional Vesak lanterns and lights. As part of the festivities, a dansala was also organized. A heel daane (almsgiving) was offered to the prelates by the Embassy Staff at the ‘Sri Lanka House’ , the Official Residence of the Ambassador.

Embassy of Sri Lanka


31 May 2024

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