Embassy of Sri Lanka in Bahrain celebrates Vesak Day 2023

Embassy of Sri Lanka in Bahrain celebrates Vesak Day 2023

Organized under the theme “The Serenity of the Mind” a Vesak Day programme commemorating the Noble Triple Events of the Birth, the Enlightenment and the Passing Away of Lord Gautama Buddha was held at the Chancery premises on 05 May 2023.

The event commenced at 6.30am with a Sil Observance programme conducted by Ven. Dr. Kandegama Deepawansalankara thero who was in Bahrain on the invitation of the Embassy of Sri Lanka. Over 75 Devotees from the Sri Lankan community in Bahrain took part in the programme. Delivering a Dhamma sermon, Ven. Dr. Deepawansalankara thero underscored the significance of Vesak Day, the most sacred day for Buddhists. Elaborating the values of Ashtanga seela, the Venerable thero called upon the devotees to take the rare opportunity to engage in dhana and seela while striving towards spiritual development. The Devotees were offered “Heel and Daval Dana” organized by the Embassy coordinating with the Sri Lankan community associations in Bahrain.

A special commemorative event to celebrate the Vesak Day 2023, took place at the Chancery premises with the participation of the diplomatic community and the Sri Lankan community in Bahrain representing Buddhist, Hindu, Islam and Christian religions and faiths, as part of the Vesak Zone organized by the Embassy. Venerable Dr. Kandegama Deepawansalankara Thero conducted the Vesak Damma Desana while Venerable Supakit Thiraviriyo Thero and Venarable Oran Aggavijjo from the Thai Meditation Centre invoke blessings to the participants. Sri Kanesh Alagan representing the Hindu religion, Irshad Farouk representing the Islam religion and Rev. Father Darel Fernandes representing the Catholic religion graced the occasion and shared their thoughts on this year’s theme ‘Serenity of the Mind’, and the principles of peace, harmony and co-existence resonating with the teachings of Lord Buddha.

Speaking of the timeless teachings of lord Buddha, peace, compassion and love, Ambassador Wijeratne Mendis stated that Buddhism inspires and navigates humankind to overcome the complexities of the modern world. Quoting the Vesak Day Message of President Ranil Wickremasinghe, the Ambassador requested all Sri Lankans to follow the path of lord Buddha guided by four noble states of loving-kindness (Metta), compassion (karuna), sympathetic joy (Mudita) and equanimity (Uppekha) and urged to set aside the differences and act as one family for the betterment of Sri Lanka. Ambassador Wijeratne Mendis also took the opportunity to acknowledge His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince HRH Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa and the government of the kingdom of Bahrain for their policies promoting peaceful co-existence and inclusivity by providing the lifesaving vaccine to all expatriates during Covid 19 Pandemic.

At the event, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Kingdom of Piyapak Sricharoen, spoke of the special relationship between Thailand and Sri Lanka, referring to centuries old Buddhist cultural linkages and reiterated the importance of Buddhist teachings and philosophy in addressing the challenges in the contemporary world. Ambassador of Nepal to the Kingdom of Bahrain. Tirtha Raj Wagle in his Vesak Day remarks referred to the unique place occupied by Lumbini in Nepal as the birthplace of Prince Siddharatha Bodhisaththva and congratulated the Embassy on the occasion of the Vesak associated with the Noble Triple Events of Lord Buddha. Attaché of the Embassy, Manula Kundapperuma delivered the Vote of Thanks.

The programme concluded with lighting the Vesak lanterns by the Ambassadors and the Diplomatic Representatives of SAARC and South Asian countries bringing a festive atmosphere at the Embassy. The celebration concluded with a Dhamma sermon by Ven. Deepavansalankara thero at the Embassy followed by a Dansala by the Sri Lanka Club in Bahrain in coordination with the Embassy and the Sri Lankan community in Bahrain. Over 200 Sri Lankans representing Buddhist, Hindu, Islam and Christian faiths participated.

Parallel to the Embassy event, other Vesak Zones were organized by the Sri Lankan Buddhist community organizations; Ape Pansala Riffa, Budaiya Sri Lankan Community, the United Cultural Association of Sri Lanka at Gudabiya, and Sri Lankan Welfare Society with the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Bahrain from 04 - 07 May 2023.

Embassy of Sri Lanka


11 May 2023


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