Sri Lanka Embassy in Seoul launches programme on entrepreneurial education with the support of Nation’s Trust Bank to enhance skills levels of Sri Lankan Employees

Sri Lanka Embassy in Seoul launches programme on entrepreneurial education with the support of Nation’s Trust Bank to enhance skills levels of Sri Lankan Employees



The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Seoul and the Nations Trust Bank jointly conducted a series of five workshops on entrepreneurial education targeting Sri Lankan employees in the Republic of Korea, in Cheonan, Gimhae, Gimpo, Ulsan and Ansan regions from 11 to 19 August 2018.The workshops comprised a specialized programme on entrepreneurial education launched by the Embassy in conjunction with its customary Diriya Maga Awareness Raising and Counseling Programme, to enhance knowledge of financial management and entrepreneurship among returning Sri Lankan employees in order to facilitate their smooth re-integration into the productive labour force of home country.  For the first time, the programme introduced a series of focused lectures by a qualified resource person, i.e., Senior Lecturer of Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Dr. D. Aminda Methsila Perera, who made succinct presentations on financial management, savings, investment and entrepreneurial skills including how to start a small business, to Sri Lankan employees.

In parallel to the workshops, the Embassy officials also conducted their standard advisory and information services on good conduct and etiquette in Korea, employment related issues, benefits of SLBFE registration, prevention of illegal stay in Korea, and protection and safety awareness. A valuable guide book on entrepreneurial education prepared by the Nations Trust Bank in consultation with the Embassy was distributed among the workshop participants. Officials of Human Resources Development Service (HRD Korea) participated in two of the workshops held in Cheonan and Ansan, provided return support guidance and information on the Special EPS Topik examination, and distributed guide books and souvenirs among the participants.

The programme on entrepreneurial education was organized by the Sri Lanka Embassy in the Republic of Korea with the support and sponsorship of the Nation’s Trust Bank of Sri Lanka, in coordination with HRD Korea and Migrant Support Centers. Representing the Nations Trusts Bank, Group Company Secretary/ General Counsel Theja Silva, Senior Vice President/ Branch Network Sheahan Daniel and other senior bank staff participated in the workshops. The programme was conducted by the Employment and Welfare Section of the Embassy under the leadership of Counsellor / Employment & Welfare Jagath Batugedara.  The programme will be further developed in the future taking into consideration the views and needs of Sri Lankan employees in Korea.


Embassy of Sri Lanka
Seoul, Republic of Korea


10 September 2018


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