The Sri Lanka High Commission in Canada organizes a Memorial Service and interfaith observations to pay tribute to the victims of the attacks in Sri Lanka

The Sri Lanka High Commission in Canada organizes a Memorial Service and interfaith observations to pay tribute to the victims of the attacks in Sri Lanka


The Sri Lanka High Commission in Canada in Coordination with Good Shepherd Church in Ottawa organized a Mass and a memorial service including interfaith observations on 28th April 2019 to pay tribute to the victims of the attacks on 21st April 2019 in Sri Lanka.

The Memorial Service began with a brief address by Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner to Canada, Asoka Girihagama who stated that the attacks had only brought grief and destruction not only to Sri Lankans but also to a number of foreign nationals who were guests in Sri Lanka. He also said that the service was to remember all those who were affected and those who were injured by the senseless violence and strongly condemned the terrorist attacks targeting innocent people.

In his address, the High Commissioner also stated that Sri Lanka has been a multi-ethnic, multicultural country for several centuries and the people had lived in unity and harmony. He added that it was important to prevent disruptive forces from creating disunity among the people.

The holy Mass was conducted by Archbishop of Ottawa, Terrence Prendergast, Reverend Father Virgil Amirthakumar and Reverend Father Joseph Jacob.

The multi-faith observances were conducted first by the Venerable Members of the Maha Sangha from Hilda Jayewardenaramaya Buddhist Monastery, Ottawa Buddhist Vihara and Ottawa Therevada Buddhist Vihara representing the three Buddhist temples in Ottawa, followed by Swamy Dhavalkumar Purohit from the Hindu faith and Dr. Muzakir Majeed representing the Islamic faith.

The Memorial Service was well attended by Sri Lankan nationals, Canadians of Sri Lankan origin and Canadians among others.


Sri Lanka High Commission
28 April 2019
7 8 (1) 10 12 (1) 13
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