Mission News

World Justice Project –Rule of Law Index 2012-2013-Sri Lanka Scores High

Sri Lanka has received a high ranking in the World Justice Project’s (WJP) annual, Rule of Law Index. The report states that Sri Lanka “outperforms its regional peers in all but two dimensions”. 

The WJP Rule of Law Index is an innovative quantitative assessment tool designed by the WJP offering detailed and comprehensive picture of the extent to which countries adhere to the rule of law in practice. It provides original data regarding a variety of dimensions of the rule of law, enabling the assessment of a nation’s adherence to the rule of law in practice, identifying nation’s strengths and weaknesses in comparison to similarly situated countries, and tracking charges over time.

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Sri Lanka shines at the International Women’s Day Celebrations

The International Women’s Day celebrations organized by the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the People (ICAP) together with the Asian Ladies Circle of Havana (ALC) were held at the ICAP main auditorium on7th April 2013. A large number of Asian Diplomatic Missions based in Havana including the Sri Lankan Embassyparticipated at the celebrations. The programme of events lined up for the evening included dress parades, fashion shows, food and handicraft demonstrations along with country promotion exhibitions featuring Asian cultures. As part of the celebrations, elegantly clad ladies and gents in national dresses and traditional attire representing their respective countries took part in a fashion parade in a bid to showcase the rich diversity and vitality of Asia.

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Tourism Promotion in Indonesia


The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Jakarta conducted a Tourism Promotion Campaign at the Embassy premises in conjunction with the General Sales Agent of Mihin Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. Leading travel agents and tour operators based in Jakarta attended the event.

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Deputy Ministers Neomal Perera and Gitanjana Gunawardena represent the President at the swearing in ceremony of the Kenyan President


Hon. Neomal Perera, Deputy Minister of External Affairs and Hon. Gitanjana Gunawardena, Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation represented H.E. the President of Sri Lanka at the swearing in ceremony of Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenyas' President-elect. Kenyatta is the son of founding father and the 1st President of the nation. Vice President William Ruto also took oaths on this occasion.

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Sri Lanka Cultural Evening at the Berlin International Economic Congress 2013 on 7th March 2013


From 6th to 10th March, the Berlin International Economics Congress 2013 organized by the renowned Institute of Cultural Diplomacy (ICD), an international organization with headquarters in Berlin with the focus on the promotion of international understanding by cultural exchange, took place under the motto of “Intercultural Relations, Youth Development Advancement, Environmental Responsibility & Ecotourism: Opportunities for Successful Nation Branding in the 21st Century”. Keynote Speakers from all continents were discussing a better future for their countries and the world.

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Sri Lankan Products at Cairo International Fair


The Sri Lanka Embassy in Cairo participated at the 46th Session of Cairo International Fair from 19th to 29th March 2013 as part of trade promotion work being undertaken in Egypt and the North African region. A stall at the fair was open for displaying pure Ceylon Tea, Porcelain ware (Dankotuwa) and Manchee Biscuits. This initiative was supported by the Sri Lanka Tea Board and the Export Development Board.

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