Author Archives: MFA User

Prof. G.L. Peiris holds discussions with Counterpart from Sudan

External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris met his Sudanese counterpart Foreign Minister Ali Ahmed Kartion at the sidelines of the UNGA in New York on Tuesday 24th September. The two Ministers discussed ways and means of enhancing the bilateral relationship between the two countries. Prof. Peiris observed that Sri Lanka attaches great importance to expanding its relations in Africa, and towards that end has initiated the establishment of diplomatic relations with several African countries. In this context he stressed the importance of strengthening particularly the economic and trade relations and the exchange of expertise. Minister Peiris also offered assistance to Sudan in healthcare and education, which sectors are particularly strong in Sri Lanka. Appreciating the offer, the Sudanese Minister observed that they would welcome training in nursing and opportunities for Sudanese students to study in Sri Lanka. He added that Asian-African collaboration was important and should be nurtured in bilateral as well as the multilateral context.

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An interactive media briefing to promote tourism, Sri Lankan Airlines and to increase awareness of the development programme and economic achievements of Sri Lanka was held at the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Paris on 17th September 2013 with the participation of 29 journalists representing tourism related French media organisations.

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General Assembly speech : President addresses:

UN'S LANKA FIXATION Unequal treatment has surprised many countries: World needs no policing by a few states: The disproportionate emphasis on Sri Lanka and the unequal treatment through the multi-lateral framework in sp ...
