Vesak Celebrations in Brazil

Vesak Celebrations in Brazil

The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Brazil in collaboration with the Embassy of Nepal in Brazil organized an event at the Nepalese Buddhist Temple in Brasilia on 25 May 2024 to celebrate Vesak  with the participation of the staff members of both the Embassies, their families and well-wishers.

The Nepalese Buddhist Temple was colourfully decorated and illuminated with Vesak lanterns made by the staff of the Embassies, Buddhist flags, and traditional bamboo lamps.

The Vesak Zone was jointly opened by the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Brazil Sumith Dassanayake and the Ambassador of Nepal to Brazil Nirmal Raj Kafle.

At the end of the programme, a Dansala was opened to the general public with Sri Lankan and Nepalese food and essential items were donated to the temple.

Embassy of Sri Lanka


28 May 2024



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