US SEC places Sri Lanka National Flag permanently in their auditorium

US SEC places Sri Lanka National Flag permanently in their auditorium


As a gesture of goodwill in appreciation of the decades of friendship and cooperation between the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of Sri Lanka and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (US SEC), the National Flag of Sri Lanka was placed in the auditorium of the US SEC as a permanent display on 05 April 2019.

The permanent placement of the Sri Lankan National Flag was arranged by the Chairman of the SEC of Sri Lanka Ranel Wijesinha in collaboration with the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Washington DC. Mr. Wijesinha was in the US capital to attend the 29th Annual International Institute for Securities Market Growth and Development held from 01-10 April.

The National Flag was placed in the auditorium of the US SEC by the Chairman of the SEC, Ranel Wijesinha, Chargé d' Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Washington DC, Sarath Dissanayake and Minister Commercial of the Embassy, Sumedha Ponnamperuma. US SEC's Assistant Director International Affairs, Matthew Greiner and Program Manager International Affairs, Adam Anicich also attended the event.

Following the placement of the flag, the Sri Lanka delegation had talks with the US SEC where matters of bilateral interest, including enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation between the two Commissions were discussed.

Sri Lanka attends the International Institute for Securities Market Growth and Development annually. This year's event was attended by over 150 regulators from 70 countries and the Sri Lanka delegation also included Manager of SEC Sri Lanka's supervision division Saumi Koddipily.

Embassy of Sri Lanka
Washington DC

 16 April 2019  



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