The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Israel celebrates Poson

The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Israel celebrates Poson


The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Israel in collaboration with the Sri Lankan community residing in Israel celebrated Poson on 30 June 2018 at the Embassy premises.

Ven. Jayasiripura Jinananda Thero of Sri Gangaramaya, Karanekamulla, Bemmulla,Sri Lanka attended the Posonprogramme and invoked blessings on Sri Lanka, its citizens and the Sri Lankan community in Israel. The programme included Buddha Pooja, Dhamma sermons, Bhakthi Gee and alms giving.

The members of the Sri Lankan community residing in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem sang Bhakthi Gee which created a Poson atmosphere.

The Embassy premises were decorated with Buddhist flags and other decorations by the Embassy staff.

The programme concluded with a Dansala organized by the Embassy staff and the community.  Traditional lunch was served for the participants.


Embassy of Sri Lanka
03 July 2018


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