Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa responds to the Canadian position on CHOGM

Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa responds to the Canadian position on CHOGM

There has been wide media coverage on the recent Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group Meeting held in London, UK and the statements made by Canada on Sri Lanka hosting the next Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in November 2013.

The High Commission of Sri Lanka is compelled to issue a statement, as it is important for the public to be provided with the relevant information which would enable them to form their own opinion.

Sri Lanka’s offer to host the 2013 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting was accepted unanimously at the CHOGM held in Trinidad and Tobago in 2009. This decision was re-confirmed at the Heads of Government Meeting held in Perth, Australia in 2011.

As stated by the Commonwealth Secretary General at the press conference that followed the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group Meeting (CMAG) on 26th April, the CMAG has no role in the matter of a decision concerning the CHOGM venue, as it is the prerogative of the Heads of Government. It is therefore appalling and unprecedented for certain quarters to express views opposing this consensual decision by the Commonwealth Member States at the highest level.

The need of the hour from the Commonwealth is to assist and support Sri Lanka, as a Member State having experienced separatist terrorism for nearly three decades, and is expectedly now facing long term post conflict challenges to ensure sustainable peace. Incremental steps continue to be taken in achieving this objective, of which Commonwealth Member States are aware.

Notably certain separatist elements within the diaspora including in Canada, still continue to relentlessly disseminate anti-Sri Lanka propaganda and lobby political leaders and other decision makers.

Hostile criticism and unfair targeting of Sri Lanka by Canada only serves to further strengthen the evil forces working against Sri Lanka and does not contribute in any manner to the ongoing rebuilding and reconciliation process in the multi cultural society of the country. Sri Lanka looks to all States in the Commonwealth to uphold the principles of objectivity, understanding, mutual respect and the equality of sovereign States.


Sri Lanka High Commissioner


2 May 2013

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