Commemorating the 72nd Independence Day of Sri Lanka under the theme 'A Secured Nation – A Prosperous Country', and keeping in line with the national tree planting programme, the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Bangkok joined in planting several indoor and medicinal plants at the ceremony, appreciating the universal value of the programme, particularly for the future generations. Accordingly, children representing all ethnicities supported by the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the Kingdom of Thailand Samantha K. Jayasuriya potted several plants, which were later gifted to the children by the Ambassador and the Presidents of the Thai-Sri Lanka Chamber and the Sri Lanka Association.
The Sri Lankan community in Thailand and the Embassy staff jointly marked the Solemn occasion with a formal programme by hoisting of the national flag by the Ambassador and singing the national anthem, followed by a two-minutes silence in memory of all patriotic Sri Lankans who ushered the freedom, liberty and sovereignty of mother Sri Lanka, as well as lighting the traditional oil lamp.
As per the tradition, multi faith religious sermons invoking blessings to all Sri Lankans and the country were showered by Ven. Prof. Walmoruwe Piyarathana, Ven. Wilgamuwe Ariyarathana, Rev.Kurukkal Kanappen Sivachariyar, Rev. Imam Abdul Ahud and Rev. Father Peter Jittapol Plangklang, respectively. The messages of the President, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Relations were read by the Embassy Staff.
The Sri Lankan Association, Thai-Sri Lanka Chamber, Sri Lankan students in Thailand and many friends and well-wishers who joined the celebrations shared a sumptuous Sri Lankan lunch including traditional sweetmeats arranged by the Embassy staff.