LTTE Faces Canadian Challenge

LTTE Faces Canadian Challenge


Sunday, 13th April 2014

By Camelia Nathaniel

  • Canadian indulgence and funding for LTTE  infiltrated organizations

Nearly five years after the extraordinary defeat of the LTTE, the Tamils in Sri Lanka and overseas are taking a tough stand against the LTTE. Tired of intimidation, assault and killings, ordinary Tamil civilians are beginning to fight back. One such leader is Rajan Mahavalirajan from Canada who is tired of racist Tamil politicians filled with hate and the LTTE remnants. These respectable men and women want to purge the LTTE from their society and community and get on with their lives.

The LTTE rule was that no community organization can exist without its influence and its interests. Like other Tamil community organizations, the LTTE also infiltrated the Tamil Eelam Society of Canada now known as the TESOC Multicultural Settlement Services located at 1160 Birchmount Road Unit 1A, Scarborough, Ontario M1P 2B8 in Canada.

Rajan Mahavalirajan who is challenging TESOC said, “Year after year, terror is unleashed by the organization that is funded by the Canadian government. The Canadian government continued funding TESOC which is violating every democratic and human rights code of this land. Alarmingly, they continue their numerous criminal activities overtly without any fear for the law of the land. The Government of Canada and the Provincial government had control over the organization. TESOC employs personnel, implements programs and even purchases buildings. TESOC would not have existed and carried out their “activities” without the sanction and funding of the Canadian and Ontario governments”.

An investigation conducted by The Sunday Leader revealed that TESOC Multicultural Settlement Services assist Canadian new comers with settlement services with funds received from the Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments of Canada. Infiltrating TESOC meant a great opportunity to radicalize the new comers and also skim funds. The bulk of the TESOC office bearers and members initially resisted LTTE infiltration resulting in constant fights for control. Gradually, the LTTE consolidated its influence by inserting both LTTE cadres and activists into the TESOC.

LTTE infiltration

In the 1990s, the LTTE consolidated its infiltration of many community organizations in Canada and by the 2000s, there were many open fights between the LTTE and non LTTE activists. For instance, at the Annual General Meeting held by the Tamil Eelam Society on January 29, 2003, there was no presence of the Canadian Flag.

As TESOC was dependent on Canadian funding, the then president Sitha Sittampalam was questioned as to why the Canadian flag was missing. Sitha Sittampalm answered, “We do not go on our knees and beg, we won’t hoist the Canadian flag”. In the same premises of TESOC, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam flag was displayed, demonstrating the organization’s devotion to the terror organization LTTE. In addition, then president Sittampalam physically attacked the member Raveendran who asked the question, by squeezing his throat, until he was rescued by Chris Chandrasegara, another member who opposed LTTE infiltration.

After such incidents, the LTTE directing figures in TESOC and other fronts scrutinized those who wanted to join their organization as members carefully. They rejected mainstream Tamils, those with sensible and independent minds and those who challenged the LTTE infiltration of their community organizations. However, such people were threatened and at times even assaulted. As directing figures, the LTTE inserted their members and their proxies into TESOC. However, after one of the employees of TESOC Multicultural Settlement Services, Mahendrarajah Markandu a.k.a. Sinnan assaulted Rajan Mahavalirajan, the latter decided to take legal action against TESOC.
Last week, Mahavalirajan from Canada filed a case against TESOC’s Board of Directors – Mahendrarajah Markandu, Augustine Jeevananthan Jegasothy, Sriranganayagi Srisatgurunathan, Muthucoomaru Rajasingham, Arulpirabakar Nalliah, Devakumar Sabapathy, Sritharan Pasupathy, Ramachandran Thalayasingam, Murugupillai Pavalaghanthan, and Tharmalingam Mahinthan.
One of the Directors of TESOC Multicultural Settlement Services, Devakumar Sabapathy has issued online threats against Canadians and promised the assassination of the President of Sri Lanka.

Investigations by The Sunday Leader revealed that Sabapathy Devakumar wrote:

Sabapathy Devakumar July 29 wrote in

And as for July 04 2009 (Toronto Tamil Tiger protest), yes a few thousand people attended. Still more than the hundreds who ‘welcomed” the losers who came back from Afghanistan. … in pieces … Ha ha ha…. Wait for the day we assassinate Rajapakse (SL President) and his borthers … just wait… Canadian army got sucked in someone’else war!!!! Yet its people tell us our situation is not Canada’s problem… What is it 129 dead losers who for the most part did not even die in combat? Wow your “soldiers” are so brave & good. We Tamils and other LTTE are smiling each time a white Christian British trash comes back blown up.”

Furthermore, our investigations revealed that Sabapathy Devakumar is working with the Nediyavan group in Canada, NCCT. Nediyavan is engaged in supporting the revival of the LTTE and Sabapathy Devakumar is under investigation in Sri Lanka for transferring funds to LTTE cadres.

Mahavalirajan’s Court submission
In his claim to court, Rajan Mahavalirajan requested the following:
(a) General damages in the amount of $100,000;
(b) Pre-judgement and post-judgement interest pursuant to the Courts of Justice Act, R.S.O 1990, c. C. 43, as amended;
(c) Cost of this action on a substantial indemnity Scale basis, together with applicable taxes;
(d) I request the Honourable Court to order the following:
• Order the government Ministries to stop the funding of the organization.
• Order the appropriate law enforcement agencies to investigate the financial affairs of TESOC.
• Order the present and past officials of TESOC to refrain from seeking any public office.

In his statement to court, Mahavalirajan wrote: “On December 7, 2012, I went to get the membership with TESOC Multicultural Settlement Services (In English) Tamil Elam Society of Canada (In Tamil)… I was denied membership in a government funded and government like organization TESOC. I was physically assaulted in front of two security guards from Magnum Protective Services Limited. The identification numbers are as follows: 0450 & 0698…TESOC refused to take our membership application. In addition, the president of the organization Jegasothy Augustine Jeevananthan told me that they had to send our application for a security check. Deva Sabapathy, a Member of Parliament of the Transnational Government of Tamil Elam as well as a Director of TESOC, came and stood in front of us blocking our way. The assailant Mahendrarajah Markandu came penetrating through the crowd and assaulted me with his right hand on the left side of my face.

The force of the attack had pushed me to the door located at the back and I hit the door with my head and fell down. The Security guard lift me and said, “I saw everything, you relax!” The security guard took me outside. The security guard called 911”.

Dual identity of Tamil parties

In his statement to court, Rajan Mahavalirajan exposes how “Tamil Eelam Society of Canada” calls itself “TESOC Multicultural Settlement Services” in English. He adds: “The name alone is not an issue, rather, the intention of the organizers to deceive outsiders with their identity and their ability to manifest into many other forms among non Tamil speaking Canadians while maintaining their real violent Tamil nationalist symbols such as “Tamil Eelam/ Tiger” among Canadian Tamils, is the real issue.

The double identity technique that was adopted by TESOC mirrors the Tamil nationalist party in Sri Lanka. The party is called Tamil Arasu Katchi in Tamil. It is translated as follows: Tamil State Party. However, the name for the same party is Tamil Federal Party in English. This double identity is important for those Tamil politicians to unit the Tamils with the emotional bond based on the dream of establishing a Tamil separate State, while intelligently appealing to the outsiders as very moderate Tamil politicians with the agenda of establishing a Tamil Federal State within a united Sri Lanka”.

The real agenda of TESOC Mahavalirajan states: “Is to aid the international terror organization under the banner of Multicultural organization. The past employees were forced to give up their jobs to give employment to the members of the “Martyrs” families.

TESOC employees were forced to leave their employment prior to the end of their contracted employment term. The Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the provincial realm, the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Ontario are negligent in identifying true organization with democratic values.

The Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the provincial realm, the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Ontario have failed in their fiduciary duty to the tax payers and citizens like me by funding a realm of an international terrorist organization LTTE”. He adds: “The violence unleashed against me, Rajan Mahavalirajan, is not an isolated incident. It is the culture of the organization. Mr. B. Gnanapandithan was assaulted on April 21, 1991.

Tamil Elam Society of Canada employees were ordered to prevent his entry into the premises. Gnanapandithan was Vice- president of the organization until April 27, 1991. Then vice president of the Tamil Elam Society of Canada, Duraiswamy was acting on the advice of a “third party”. The alleged third party is the LTTE – Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam. The term “outsiders” also refers to LTTE – Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam.”

Referring to a letter dated June 7, 1991 by the Canadian journalist of Sri Lankan origin D. B.S. Jeyaraj, Mahavalirajan says it raises numerous questions about the then vice president Duraiswamy.

To quote Mahavalirajan: “One of them was about the “outsider” influence. The question as follows: Question 11. “Is it correct that two “outsiders” were permitted to address your board of directors and staff on May 11, 1991? These “outsiders” had allegedly advised employees on how to discharge their duties.” In the same document dated on June 7, 1991 and signed by D.B.S. Jeyaraj question 12 is: “Is it correct that you have intimidated employees and fellow Board members on the strength of allegedly enjoying the backing of a “third party”. Your decisions are passed off as board decisions.” Once again, the term “third party” refers to Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam. D.B.S. Jeyaraj was assaulted.”

In addition to its deeply rooted violent culture, Rajan Mahavalirajan states: “TESOC organization explicitly represents a particular village of a particular region of Sri Lankan Tamils from northern Sri Lanka. The region is commonly called Vadamarachi and the particular village is called Valvetithurai.

The leader of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam belongs to the same regions, the same village. I believe the refusal to give membership is also based on the place of origin and association to a particular group called LTTE. It should be taken into consideration that the assailant Mahendrarajah Markandu’s birth place is Valvetithurai. Although the place of origin commonly refers to national identity, my birth country has several nations within our common “Sri Lanka”.

There are Tamil nation, Sinhalese nation and Tamil Speaking Muslim nation. In addition, there are multiple levels of caste based nations within the Tamil nation. The spirit of the law is aimed to (sic) prevent discrimination based on ethnicity as well as its subgroups. It is also interesting to note that the membership is approved by an “outsider”. One again the “outsider” or the “third party” is the remnants of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam.

The organization, such as TESOC, that is engaged in immigrant settlement work should not be partial or influenced by any ethnic group, religious group, racial group and political party, especially the association with a terror organization – LTTE. The interest in safeguarding the interests of a particular regional group of Tamils is self explanatory in the following correspondence by Thiru S. Thiruchelvam dated September 21, 1990.

The following is the translation of the original communication in Tamil. The following portion is from page 5 of an 8 page long document written in Tamil.

Quote: With regard to the clashes among youths (Tamil gangs) in Toronto, the assistant secretary (of TESOC) has issued a degrading opinion on Valvetithurai youths. Who would bear responsibility to such opinion? He should alone take the responsibility for the negative affects on Valvetithurai Youths. It is clear from the statement that the organization, TESOC was functioning to safeguard the interests of a given group of Tamils in a particular village of a particular region of Northern Sri Lanka. Valvetithurai is the place of origin of the LTTE leader. The power to negotiate a peace settlement among those warring factions (Tamil gangs) of those Sri Lankan gangs in Toronto was delegated by the LTTE. Unquote

‘Therefore, the present power to assault those who question them and to deny their membership was also delegated by those remnants of LTTE,” Mahavalirajan noted.

He adds: “It is also remarkable to note that the employment in the organization is not given to those who are qualified to carry out the task with competency. The employment is primarily allotted to those Tamil families considered “Martyrs”. The term “Martyrs” refers to those who have fought and died for the LTTE. The term “Martyrs” also refers to those who have given their lives by carrying out suicide bombing. Killing innocent people in the name of liberation is justified. Those who are stationed to carry out duties for new immigrants are members of “Martyrs” families who are strongly influenced by violence. It is not surprising to see that a person seeking membership is assaulted by those who have a sincere commitment to violence”.

Rajan Mahavalirajan’s claim that TESOC is infiltrated by the LTTE is a demonstration of the current status of affairs in Canada. Canada has emerged as the single largest support base of the LTTE. Canadian dollars have killed, maimed, and injured thousands of civilians and security forces personnel. Rather than pander to ethnic votes and campaign funds, shouldn’t Canadian politicians permit their governments to investigate and prosecute LTTE cadres and activists functioning on Canadian soil? With the defeat of the LTTE in Sri Lanka, shouldn’t the Canadian government scrutinize what happens to the funds provided by Canadian tax payers? Shouldn’t they be more circumspect and ensure that Canadian dollars are not spent to spread hatred and terror?

The Sunday Leader’s investigations reveal the presence of directing figures of the Nediyavan Faction’s National Council of Canadian Tamils (NCCT) serving in TESOC. The current President of NCCT Ranjan Sri Ranjan was previously the President of Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC). For their roles in supporting terrorism, both NCCT and CTC are designated as “terrorist entities” under UN Security Council Resolution 1373. Based on the evidence presented by Rajan Mahavalirajan, will TESOC also be listed under the UN Security Council Resolution 1373 as a terrorist entity?


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