Ifthar Celebrations at the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Cairo  

Ifthar Celebrations at the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Cairo  

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Following the tradition of state sponsored ceremonies to promote inter-religious harmony and inclusivity, the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Cairo celebrated Ifthar on 25 May 2018 at the Embassy premises with the participation of the Sri Lankan Muslim Community in Egypt including the Dawoodi Bohras. More than 150 persons, representing all religions and ethnic groups of Sri Lanka participated in the event.

Preacher Moulavi Nooramith Mohamed Zaid was invited from Sri Lanka with the assistance of the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment to conduct the Ifthar Programme.

This was the third time that the Embassy of Sri Lanka organized an event of Ifthar. The programme commenced at 5.30 p.m. after the welcome address by Sri Lanka's  Ambassador to Egypt, Ramiah Yogarajan.

A Sermon was delivered by Preacher Moulavi Nooramith Mohamed Zaid in all three languages; Sinhala, Tamil and English. During his sermon he stressed the need for all ethnic groups in Sri Lanka to live in unity as the children of one mother, mother Lanka, and said that the significance of the Holy month of Ramadan was to unite all.  Another sermon was delivered by Mulla Behla Fidvi who was invited from the Sri Lankan Bora community in Egypt.

Breaking of the fast followed the sermons with the traditional dates, water and short eats being served after prayers. A sumptuous dinner, including Buriyani and watalappan followed. Both the Embassy and the Official Residence of the Ambassador were attractively decorated with traditional Ramadan flags and colourful lanterns.


Embassy of Sri Lanka
07 June 2018





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